	/PowerUPDlg [P
		[A ]
		/PowerUPDlg 'Power UP' 368 140 Create:Form def
		'PowerUPLbl' '' 'Please power cycle the controller, then press OK!' 92 19 PowerUPDlg.AddLabel
		% add ok button
		75 25 PowerUPDlg.SetButtonSize
		'Ok' '' 'Ok' 1 146 70 PowerUPDlg.AddButton
		[A ]
	/RebootWithoutStart [P
		[A counts ]
		1 RebootDevice
		%8000 wait
		/Stopped #0 def
		counts [B 
			150 wait
			PIVar:TalkIntf.GetResult 0 eq PIVar:TalkIntf.GetResult $DA eq or [B 
				/Stopped #1 def
			] if
		] repeat 
		Stopped not [B
			'StopProgram' '' PIVar:TalkIntf.GetResult PackInst:_RaiseTalkError           
		] if
		[A ]   
	/StartROS [P
		[A numOfTries waitAfterReset repeatReboot]
		1 RebootDevice
		/ROSrunning FALSE def
		/ROSVersionCurrent 0 def
		/ROSSubVersionCurrent 0 def
		'Starting the ROS...' log
		% store the current talk message timeout
		/MsgTimeout PIVar:TalkIntf.GetTimeout def
		% set the talk message timeout to 80 ms to catch the ROS
		80 PIVar:TalkIntf.SetTimeout
		waitAfterReset wait
		numOfTries [B
			% inhibits the startup of the OS and remains in the ROS

			$A0 chr $01 chr add PIVar:TalkIntf.GenericCmd
			/TalkResponse PIVar:TalkIntf.GetResult def
			TalkResponse 0 eq [B
				% prepare ROS version number
				/ROSVersionStr PIVar:TalkIntf.GetDataStr def
				/ROSSubVersionCurrent ROSSubVersionCurrent ROSVersionStr 0 1 getsubstr ord add def
				/ROSSubVersionCurrent ROSSubVersionCurrent ROSVersionStr 1 1 getsubstr ord 8 shl add def
				/ROSVersionCurrent ROSVersionCurrent ROSVersionStr 2 1 getsubstr ord add def
				/ROSVersionCurrent ROSVersionCurrent ROSVersionStr 3 1 getsubstr ord 8 shl add def
				% ROS started
				/ROSrunning TRUE def
				'ROS running' log
				'ROS version: V0x' ROSVersionCurrent 16 cvrs add ' S0x' add ROSSubVersionCurrent 16 cvrs add log
				TalkResponse $FF eq repeatReboot and [B
					% reboot again if ROS was missed and reboot is enabled
					% (OS responds with $FF if the command $A0 $01 is sent to stay in the ROS)
					1 RebootDevice
				] if
			] ifelse
		] repeat
		% restore the talk message timeout to the initial value
		MsgTimeout PIVar:TalkIntf.SetTimeout
		ROSrunning not [B
			'ROS not present.' log
		] if
		[A ROSrunning ROSVersionCurrent ROSSubVersionCurrent]

	/LoadSW [P
		[A LoadFlag ]	% LoadFlag = False -> Check only if Files exist 	
		/OSSWFileName 'UPOS_' def
		/UPROSBareFileName 'UPROS_' def
		/OSBareSWFileName 'OSSW_' def
		/SWUPROSFile '' def
		/Result #1 def
		/MissingFile '' def
		/ROSSubVersionCurrent exch def
		/ROSVersionCurrent exch def
		/ROSRunning exch def
		/ROSPresent exch def
		% If installing over Config Ethernet on E1400V2 the ROS is not used.
		% Instead an UPOS is downloaded which contains the ROS together with the OS.
		InstPortName 'ETH' eq [B
			/UPROSAvailable FALSE def
			/ROSPresent FALSE def
			/ROSRunning FALSE def
		] if
		% ROS present or UPROSAvailable defined
		ROSPresent UPROSAvailable or [B
			% ROS is present, bare OS and tree needed
			/SWFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add OSBareSWFileName add OSExt add '_V' add OSSWVersion cvs add 'S' add OSSWSubVersion cvs add def
			% remanent OS updater
			/SWUPROSFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add UPROSBareFileName add 'V' add ROSSWVersion cvs add 'S' add ROSSWSubVersion cvs add '.HX3' add def
			% UPROS is not available, conventional UPOS needed
			UPOSExt '' ne [B
				/SWFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add OSSWFileName add UPOSExt add '_V' add OSSWVersion cvs add 'S' add OSSWSubVersion cvs add def 
				/SWFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add OSSWFileName add EloTypeExt add '_V' add OSSWVersion cvs add 'S' add OSSWSubVersion cvs add def 
			] ifelse  
		] ifelse
		OSSWBetaInfo '' ne [B
			/SWFile SWFile '_' add OSSWBetaInfo add def
		] if
		PIVar:TalkVersion $20 eq [B
			/SWFile SWFile '.HX2' add def		
			PIVar:TalkVersion $40 eq [B
				ProgFlag [B
				     /SWFile SWFile '.HX2' add def 
				] [B
					'Installation error 0x012 occurred. Please contact support.' raisese 
				] ifelse
				/SWFile SWFile '.HX3' add def		
			] ifelse  
		] ifelse
		OSTypeExt '' ne [B
		  /TreeFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add OSTreeFileName add OSTypeExt add '_V' add OSTreeVersion cvs add 'S' add OSTreeSubVersion cvs add def 		
		  /TreeFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add OSTreeFileName add EloTypeExt add '_V' add OSTreeVersion cvs add 'S' add OSTreeSubVersion cvs add def 
		] ifelse  
		OSTreeBetaInfo '' ne [B
			/TreeFile TreeFile '_' add OSTreeBetaInfo add def
		] if
		/TreeFile TreeFile '.HX2' add def
		%/DefaultParFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add OSTreeFileName add EloTypeExt add '_V' add OSTreeVersion cvs add 'S' add OSTreeSubVersion cvs add def
		OSTypeExt '' ne [B
		  /DefaultParFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add OSTreeFileName add OSTypeExt add '_V' add OSTreeVersion cvs add 'S' add OSTreeSubVersion cvs add def 		
		  /DefaultParFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add OSTreeFileName add EloTypeExt add '_V' add OSTreeVersion cvs add 'S' add OSTreeSubVersion cvs add def 
		] ifelse  
		OSTreeBetaInfo '' ne [B
			/DefaultParFile DefaultParFile '_' add OSTreeBetaInfo add def
		] if
		/DefaultParFile DefaultParFile '.Gr3' add def				

		% handle 2S Tree
		OSTreeFileName2S ''  ne [B
			_2SOSTypeExt '' ne [B
			  /TreeFile2S FilePath SafetyFWDir add '\' add OSTreeFileName2S add _2SOSTypeExt add '_V' add OSTreeVersion2S cvs add 'S' add OSTreeSubVersion2S cvs add def 		
			  /TreeFile2S FilePath SafetyFWDir add '\' add OSTreeFileName2S add EloTypeExt add '_V' add OSTreeVersion2S cvs add 'S' add OSTreeSubVersion2S cvs add def 
			] ifelse  
			OSTreeBetaInfo2S '' ne [B
				/TreeFile2S TreeFile2S '_' add OSTreeBetaInfo2S add def
			] if
			/TreeFile2S TreeFile2S '.HX2' add def
		] if 
		Result [B
			SWFile FileExist not [B
				/Result #0 def 
				/MissingFile SWFile def
			] if
		] if
		Result [B
			TreeFile FileExist not [B
				/Result #0 def 
				/MissingFile TreeFile def
			] if
		] if
		Result [B
			DefaultParFile FileExist not [B
				/Result #0 def 
				/MissingFile DefaultParFile def
			] if
		] if
		Result [B
			OSTreeFileName2S '' ne [B
				TreeFile2S FileExist not [B
					/Result #0 def 
					/MissingFile TreeFile2S	def
				] if 
			] if		
		] if
		Result LoadFlag and [B
			PIVar:TalkVersion $F0 and [B
				% B1100
				$40 [B
					PIVar:PortType 'CAN' eq [B
						/MACIDSourceSel MACIDSourceSelAddr ReadMemory def
						/MACIDValue MACIDValueAddr ReadMemory def
					] if	
					'Erasing firmware sectors...' log     
					$C04000 PackInst:EraseFlash
					$C06000 PackInst:EraseFlash
					$C08000 PackInst:EraseFlash
					$C10000 PackInst:EraseFlash

%					'Downloading OS...' log
					'Downloading ' SWFile add log
					ProgFlag PIVar:TalkVersion $0F and $00 eq and [B
						SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File		
					] [B
						SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX3File
					] ifelse
					MCInstallValidAddr InstallationValid WriteWordToElo
					'Resetting Device...' log     			
					1000 Wait
					$0 StartProgram
					'Waiting until OS is ready...' log
					15000 wait
					MCInstallValidAddr InstallationInvalid WriteWordToElo
					'Erasing OS updater ...' log     
					$C08000 PackInst:EraseFlash		
					%5000 wait						  
					$C10000 PackInst:EraseFlash		
					%5000 wait						  
%					'Downloading OS default parameters ...' log    
					'Downloading ' DefaultParFile add log    
					DefaultParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadGR3File
					PIVar:PortType 'CAN' eq [B
						MACIDSourceSelAddr MACIDSourceSel WriteWordToElo
						MACIDValueAddr MACIDValue WriteWordToElo
					] if	
					'Resetting Device...' log
					1000 Wait
					/ClearFile FilePath OSDir add '\' add 'B1100_ParaClear.HX2' add def
%					'Clearing Parameter Sections...' log
					'Downloading ' ClearFile add log
					ClearFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File			

					'Resetting Device...' log
					1000 Wait
				% E1250 / E1450 / B8050 / MB8050
				$30 [B
					/OSInstallCommandAddress	$D000181E	def
					% clear OS install command address
					OSInstallCommandAddress 0 WriteWordToElo
					PIVar:PortType 'ETH' eq ProgFlag not and [B
						/IPConfigMode IPConfigModeAddr ReadMemory def
						/CfgMasterTimeOut CfgMasterTimeOutAddr ReadMemory def
						/DefGWConfigMode DefGWConfigModeAddr ReadMemory def
						% read the static IP address, network mask and gateway
						/IPAddressLo IPAddressAddr ReadMemory def
						/IPAddressHi IPAddressAddr 2 add ReadMemory def
						/NetMaskLo NetMaskAddr ReadMemory def
						/NetMaskHi NetMaskAddr 2 add ReadMemory def		
						/DefaultGatewayLo DefaultGatewayAddr ReadMemory def
						/DefaultGatewayHi DefaultGatewayAddr 2 add ReadMemory def										    																			
						% read the working IP address, network mask and gateway
						/IPAddressWorkLo IPAddressAddrWorking ReadMemory def
						/IPAddressWorkHi IPAddressAddrWorking 2 add ReadMemory def
						/NetMaskWorkLo NetMaskAddrWorking ReadMemory def
						/NetMaskWorkHi NetMaskAddrWorking 2 add ReadMemory def		
						/DefaultGatewayWorkLo DefaultGatewayAddrWorking ReadMemory def
						/DefaultGatewayWorkHi DefaultGatewayAddrWorking 2 add ReadMemory def										    
					] if	
					PIVar:PortType 'ETH' eq ProgFlag not and [B
						IPAddressAddr IPAddressWorkLo WriteWordToElo
						IPAddressAddr 2 add IPAddressWorkHi WriteWordToElo
						NetMaskAddr NetMaskWorkLo WriteWordToElo
						NetMaskAddr 2 add NetMaskWorkHi WriteWordToElo
						DefaultGatewayAddr DefaultGatewayWorkLo WriteWordToElo
						DefaultGatewayAddr 2 add DefaultGatewayWorkHi WriteWordToElo
						% set the config mode to static
						IPConfigModeAddr 2 WriteWordToElo
						DefGWConfigModeAddr 1 WriteWordToElo
					] if		
					20 OSLoader:RebootWithoutStart
					'Erasing firmware sectors...' log     
					$AFE00000 PackInst:EraseFlash % CURVE
					$AFE10000 PackInst:EraseFlash % CT	
					1 EraseSWInstance	%MC
%					2 EraseSWInstance	%INTF
					3 EraseSWInstance	%APPL
%					'Downloading OS...' log
					'Downloading ' SWFile add log
					SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX3File % Load OS Updater 
					MCInstallValidAddr InstallationValid WriteWordToElo
					ResetDevice % AutoStart OS Updater after reset
					'Waiting for OS reply...' log     
					55000 wait	% to be modified
%					'Downloading OS default parameters ...' log    
					'Downloading ' DefaultParFile add log    
					DefaultParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadGR3File	

					2 EraseSWInstance	%INTF
					IntfSel.Name 'POWERLINK' eq IntfSel.Name 'POWERLINK_ML' eq or[B	
						/ModuleFWType		$0100 def	% PL
						/ModuleFWVersion	$0103 def	% latest compatibel FW Version: Version 1, Subversion 3
						/ModuleHWVersion	$0103 def	% latest HW Version: Version 1, Revision B
						/ModuleFWTypeAddress $A3000070 def		
						/ModuleFWVersionAddress $A3000072 def
						/ModuleHWVersionAddress $A3000002 def
						/MissingFile '' def
						/ModuleParFile FilePath IntfSel.IntfDir add IntfSel.IntfModuleOSUP add def
							ModuleParFile FileExist not [B
							/MissingFile ModuleParFile def			    
						] if 

						/ModuleFWTypeRead  ModuleFWTypeAddress ReadMemory def            
						/ModuleFWVersionRead  ModuleFWVersionAddress ReadMemory def   
						/ModuleHWVersionRead  ModuleHWVersionAddress ReadMemory def  
						/ModuleType  $A3000000 ReadMemory def   
						% check HW module version
						ModuleHWVersionRead ModuleHWVersion ge[B
						% Module HW >= V1.0.2 
							ModuleType $40 eq [B
								ModuleFWTypeRead ModuleFWType ne ModuleFWVersionRead ModuleFWVersion lt ModuleFWVersionRead $FFFF eq or or [B
%									'Downloading FPGA image...' log
									'Downloading ' ModuleParFile add log
									ModuleParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File	% load OSUP for FPGA
									% Write install new FPGA image controller
									/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
									/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0010 or def
									OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo			
									ResetDevice % AutoStart FPGA Updater after reset
									'Updating FPGA...' log
									80000 wait
									% erase FPGA image	 
									$80040000 PackInst:EraseFlash
									250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
									% write new FPGA version info
									ModuleFWTypeAddress ModuleFWType WriteWordToElo
									ModuleFWVersionAddress ModuleFWVersion WriteWordToElo
									% Do nothing. FPGA is already up to date.
								] ifelse 
								'Warning: POWERLINK module is not connected!' log				
							] ifelse
							/Result #0 def 
							'Warning: POWERLINK module HW Version older than V1.0.2!' log	

					IntfSel.Name 'SERCOSIII' eq IntfSel.Name 'SERCOSIII_ML' eq or[B	
						/ModuleFWType		$0200 def		% SC
						/ModuleFWVersion	$0102 def		% Version 1, Subversion 2 (sercon100 V2.11)
						/ModuleFWTypeAddress $A3000070 def		
						/ModuleFWVersionAddress $A3000072 def
						/MissingFile '' def
						/ModuleParFile FilePath IntfSel.IntfDir add IntfSel.IntfModuleOSUP add def
							ModuleParFile FileExist not [B
							/MissingFile ModuleParFile def			    
						] if 

						/ModuleFWTypeRead  ModuleFWTypeAddress ReadMemory def            
						/ModuleFWVersionRead  ModuleFWVersionAddress ReadMemory def   
						/ModuleType  $A3000000 ReadMemory def   
						ModuleType $40 eq [B
							ModuleFWTypeRead ModuleFWType ne ModuleFWVersionRead ModuleFWVersion lt ModuleFWVersionRead $FFFF eq or or [B
%								'Downloading FPGA image...' log
								'Downloading ' ModuleParFile add log
								ModuleParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File	% load OSUP for FPGA
								% Write install new FPGA image controller
								/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
								/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0010 or def
								OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo			
								ResetDevice % AutoStart FPGA Updater after reset
								'Updating FPGA...' log
								80000 wait
								% erase FPGA image	 
								$80040000 PackInst:EraseFlash
								250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
								% write new FPGA version info
								ModuleFWTypeAddress ModuleFWType WriteWordToElo
								ModuleFWVersionAddress ModuleFWVersion WriteWordToElo
								% Do nothing. FPGA is already up to date.
							] ifelse 
							'Warning: SERCOSIII module is not connected!' log				
						] ifelse
					PIVar:PortType 'ETH' eq ProgFlag not and [B
						IPAddressAddr IPAddressLo WriteWordToElo
						IPAddressAddr 2 add IPAddressHi WriteWordToElo
						NetMaskAddr NetMaskLo WriteWordToElo
						NetMaskAddr 2 add NetMaskHi WriteWordToElo
						DefaultGatewayAddr DefaultGatewayLo WriteWordToElo
						DefaultGatewayAddr 2 add DefaultGatewayHi WriteWordToElo
						% set the config modes to the old values
						IPConfigModeAddr IPConfigMode WriteWordToElo
						CfgMasterTimeOut 0 eq [B						
							CfgMasterTimeOutAddr CfgMasterTimeOut WriteWordToElo		% only if Lock is disabled
						] if 
						DefGWConfigModeAddr DefGWConfigMode WriteWordToElo
					] if																				
					MCInstallValidAddr InstallationInvalid WriteWordToElo
					'Clearing Parameter Sections...' log
					2 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar
					3 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar
					4 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar	
					% Write new Firmware message to controller
					/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
					/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0001 or def
					OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo				
				% A1100, C1100
				$50 [B
					/SystemStartupDelayAddress	$300906	def
					/OSInstallCommandAddress	$00F82E	def
					/ActualBaudrateAddress		$30089A	def
					'Erasing firmware sectors...' log     
					0 1 3 [B
						/SectorIndex exch def
						$D80000 $1000 SectorIndex mul add PackInst:EraseFlash	% CT
					] for	
					0 1 7 [B
						/SectorIndex exch def
						$D88000 $1000 SectorIndex mul add PackInst:EraseFlash	% CURVE
					] for						
					1 EraseSWInstance	%MC
					2 EraseSWInstance	%INTF
					3 EraseSWInstance	%APP
					% Save Actual Baudrate before defaulting OS Parameters
					/ActualBaudrate ActualBaudrateAddress ReadMemory def
					% Load OS Updater 
					'Downloading ' SWFile add log					
					SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX3File 
					SystemStartupDelayAddress 0 WriteWordToElo						
					MCInstallValidAddr InstallationValid WriteWordToElo

					ResetDevice % AutoStart OS Updater after reset
					'Waiting for OS reply...' log     
					10000 wait
					% trigger Bootup bit on next re-boot
					/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
					/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0002 or def
					OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo		

  					10000 wait		
						OSInstallCommandAddress PIVar:TalkIntf.ReadMemory
						PIVar:TalkIntf.GetResult 0 eq[B
							/InstallCommandReadData PIVar:TalkIntf.GetData def
							/InstallCommandReadData InstallCommandReadData $2 and def
							InstallCommandReadData 0 eq[B 
							] if	
						500 Wait    						
					] repeat 	
					% OS Default Parameters
					'Downloading ' DefaultParFile add log    
					DefaultParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadGR3File
					% Reload Actual Baudrate after defaulting OS Parameters
					ActualBaudrateAddress ActualBaudrate WriteWordToElo	
					MCInstallValidAddr InstallationInvalid WriteWordToElo
					'Clearing MC Parameter Section...' log
					2 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar
					'Clearing Intf Parameter Section...' log
					3 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar
					'Clearing Appl Parameter Section...' log
					4 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar	
					% Write new Firmware message to controller
					/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
					/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0001 or def
					OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo				

				% C1250, E1400V2
				$60 [B
				% C12502S
				$70 [B

				% E1100
				$20 [B
					15000 wait
					1500 wait
					'Erasing firmware sectors...' log     
					$10000 PackInst:EraseFlash		
					$30000 PackInst:EraseFlash		
					$40000 PackInst:EraseFlash						
					$D0000 PackInst:EraseFlash		
					$E0000 PackInst:EraseFlash		
					$F0000 PackInst:EraseFlash		
%					'Downloading OS...' log
					'Downloading ' SWFile add log
					PIVar:TalkVersion $0F and $00 eq [B
						SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File		
					] [B
						SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX3File		
					] ifelse
					MCInstallValidAddr InstallationValid WriteWordToElo
					%PIVar:TalkVersion $0F and $00 eq [B
					%SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File
					%] [B
					%SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX3File
					%] ifelse
					'Resetting Device...'log     			
					15000 Wait
					'Starting OS...' log
					$10000 StartProgram
					'Waiting for OS reply...' log     
						2000 Wait      
						0 ReadMemory 0 eq [B 
							'...OS started...' log
						] if	     
					] loop 
					'Waiting until OS is ready...' log
					5000 wait
						2000 Wait
						$A2FE ReadMemory 0 eq  [B 
							'...OS is ready' log
						] if	     
					] loop
					MCInstallValidAddr InstallationInvalid WriteWordToElo
					'Erasing OS parameter sector...' log     
					$C0000 PackInst:EraseFlash		
%					'Downloading OS parameter tree...' log    
					'Downloading ' TreeFile add log    
					TreeFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File                
					8000 Wait
					'Downloading OS default parameters ...' log    
					DefaultParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadGR3File
					'Resetting Device...' log
						3000 Wait
						$A2FE ReadMemory 0 eq  [B 
							'...OS is ready' log
						] if	     
					] loop     

					'Clearing Parameter Sections...' log
					2 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar
					3 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar
					4 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar					
			] case
		] if
		[A /MissingFile /Result]

	/DownloadOS_SG6 [P
		[A  ]

		/OSInstallCommandAddress	$D000181E	def
		PIVar:PortType 'ETH' eq ProgFlag not and [B
			/IPConfigMode IPConfigModeAddr ReadMemory def
			/DefGWConfigMode DefGWConfigModeAddr ReadMemory def
			% read the static IP address, network mask and gateway
			/IPAddressLo IPAddressAddr ReadMemory def
			/IPAddressHi IPAddressAddr 2 add ReadMemory def
			/NetMaskLo NetMaskAddr ReadMemory def
			/NetMaskHi NetMaskAddr 2 add ReadMemory def
			/DefaultGatewayLo DefaultGatewayAddr ReadMemory def
			/DefaultGatewayHi DefaultGatewayAddr 2 add ReadMemory def
			% read the working IP address, network mask and gateway
			/IPAddressWorkLo IPAddressAddrWorking ReadMemory def
			/IPAddressWorkHi IPAddressAddrWorking 2 add ReadMemory def
			/NetMaskWorkLo NetMaskAddrWorking ReadMemory def
			/NetMaskWorkHi NetMaskAddrWorking 2 add ReadMemory def
			/DefaultGatewayWorkLo DefaultGatewayAddrWorking ReadMemory def
			/DefaultGatewayWorkHi DefaultGatewayAddrWorking 2 add ReadMemory def
		] if

		PIVar:PortType 'ETH' eq ProgFlag not and [B
			IPAddressAddr IPAddressWorkLo WriteWordToElo
			IPAddressAddr 2 add IPAddressWorkHi WriteWordToElo
			NetMaskAddr NetMaskWorkLo WriteWordToElo
			NetMaskAddr 2 add NetMaskWorkHi WriteWordToElo
			DefaultGatewayAddr DefaultGatewayWorkLo WriteWordToElo
			DefaultGatewayAddr 2 add DefaultGatewayWorkHi WriteWordToElo
			% set the config mode to static
			IPConfigModeAddr 2 WriteWordToElo
			DefGWConfigModeAddr 1 WriteWordToElo
		] if

		/ROSUpgrade FALSE def

		ROSPresent [B
			'ROS present' log

			ROSRunning not [B
				250 50 TRUE OSLoader:StartROS
				/ROSSubVersionCurrent exch def
				/ROSVersionCurrent exch def
				/ROSrunning exch def
				'ROS already running' log
				% "ROS already running" indicates possible invalid OS
				% no ROS update possible without valid OS
				% avoid ROS update by setting current version to wanted version
				/ROSSubVersionCurrent ROSSWSubVersion def
				/ROSVersionCurrent ROSSWVersion def
			] ifelse

			% check programmer flag, different ROS update behaviour on programmer
			ProgFlag not [B
				% not on programmer, only update for different main version
				% check ROS version
				ROSSWVersion ROSVersionCurrent ne [B
					% ROS needs to be up/downgraded

					/ROSUpgrade TRUE def
					'up/downgrade ROS' log
				] if
				% programmer, update ROS even for different subversion
				ROSSWVersion ROSVersionCurrent ne ROSSWSubVersion ROSSubVersionCurrent ne or [B
					% ROS needs to be up/downgraded

					/ROSUpgrade TRUE def
					'up/downgrade ROS' log
				] if
			] ifelse

		] if

		'Erasing firmware sectors...' log
		$AF000000 PackInst:EraseFlash % CURVE
		250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
		$AF080000 PackInst:EraseFlash % CT
		250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking

		1 EraseSWInstance	%MC
		2 EraseSWInstance	%INTF
		3 EraseSWInstance	%APP
		OSTreeFileName2S '' ne [B
			$8081C000 PackInst:EraseFlash % 2S Tree
		] if

		ROSrunning not ROSUpgrade or [B
			SWUPROSFile '' ne [B
				% ROS updater must be downloaded

				'Downloading ' SWUPROSFile add log
				20 OSLoader:RebootWithoutStart

				SWUPROSFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX3File % Load ROS Updater

				MCInstallValidAddr InstallationValid WriteWordToElo
				% deactivate install new FPGA image bit to make sure nothing happens if device does not contain an FM04
				/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
				/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $FFEF and def
				OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo

				% wait for a longer time before checking for ROS as the OS must run the ROS updater
				1500 10000 TRUE OSLoader:StartROS
				/ROSSubVersionCurrent exch def
				/ROSVersionCurrent exch def
				/ROSrunning exch def

				ROSrunning not [B
					'ROS download failed!' log
				] if
			] if
		] if

		ROSrunning [B
			% ROS active

			% erase OS
			0 EraseSWInstance	%OS

			% download OS
			'Downloading ' SWFile add log
			SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX3File
			'Downloading ' TreeFile add log
			TreeFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File
			OSTreeFileName2S '' ne [B
				'Downloading ' TreeFile2S add log
				TreeFile2S dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File
			] if 

			% wait for OS to be running
			100 [B
				100 wait
				/OSROSSubVersionCurrent exch def
				/OSROSVersion exch def
				/ROSRunning exch def
				/ROSPresent exch def
				ROSRunning not ROSPresent and [B
					'OS running' log
				] if
			] repeat
			ROSRunning [B
				'Unable to start OS' log
			] if
			% UPROS not available
			'Downloading ' SWFile add log

			20 OSLoader:RebootWithoutStart

			SWFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX3File % Load OS Updater

			MCInstallValidAddr InstallationValid WriteWordToElo
			% deactivate install new FPGA image bit to make sure nothing happens if device does not contain an FM04
			% and trigger Bootup bit on next re-boot
			/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
			/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $FFEF and def
			/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0002 or def
			OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo

			ResetDevice % AutoStart OS Updater after reset

			'Waiting for OS reply...' log
			10000 wait
				OSInstallCommandAddress PIVar:TalkIntf.ReadMemory
				PIVar:TalkIntf.GetResult 0 eq[B
					/InstallCommandReadData PIVar:TalkIntf.GetData def
					/InstallCommandReadData InstallCommandReadData $2 and def
					InstallCommandReadData 0 eq[B
					] if
				500 Wait
			] repeat

			% erase OS tree sector
			'Erasing OS tree sector...' log
			$80820000 PackInst:EraseFlash
			OSTreeFileName2S '' ne [B
				$8081C000 PackInst:EraseFlash % 2S Tree
			] if
			250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
			% download OS tree
			'Downloading ' TreeFile add log
			TreeFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File
			OSTreeFileName2S '' ne [B
				'Downloading ' TreeFile2S add log
				TreeFile2S dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File
			] if
			ResetDevice % Needed to load the tree
			% wait for OS after reset
			4000 wait
				OSInstallCommandAddress PIVar:TalkIntf.ReadMemory
				PIVar:TalkIntf.GetResult 0 eq[B
					/InstallCommandReadData PIVar:TalkIntf.GetData def
					/InstallCommandReadData InstallCommandReadData $2 and def
					InstallCommandReadData 0 eq[B
					] if
				500 Wait
			] repeat
		] ifelse

		% OS running
		% clear OS install command address
		OSInstallCommandAddress 0 WriteWordToElo

		'Erasing additional data sectors...' log
		$808C0000 PackInst:EraseFlash % netX second stage bootloader
		250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
		$80900000 PackInst:EraseFlash % netX Firmware
		250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
		$80940000 PackInst:EraseFlash % netX Firmware
		250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
		$80980000 PackInst:EraseFlash % netX Firmware
		250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
		$809C0000 PackInst:EraseFlash % netX Firmware
		250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking
		'Downloading ' DefaultParFile add log
		DefaultParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadGR3File

		% download second stage bootloader for netX
		netXBased [B
			/MissingFile '' def
			/ModuleParFile FilePath OSDir add '\netX\NETX52-BSL_V1_4_18_0_FM09_2_1_0.HX2' add def
			ModuleParFile FileExist not [B
				/MissingFile ModuleParFile def
			] if

			'Downloading ' ModuleParFile add log

			ModuleParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File

		IntfSel.Name 'POWERLINK' eq [B
			/ModuleFWType		$0100 def	% PL
			/ModuleFWVersion	$0201 def	% latest compatible FW Version: Version 2, Subversion 1
			/ModuleHWVersion	$0103 def	% latest HW Version: Version 1, Revision B

			/ModuleFWTypeAddress $A3000070 def
			/ModuleFWVersionAddress $A3000072 def
			/ModuleHWVersionAddress $A3000002 def

			/MissingFile '' def
			/ModuleParFile FilePath IntfSel.IntfDir add IntfSel.IntfModuleOSUP add def
				ModuleParFile FileExist not [B
				/MissingFile ModuleParFile def
			] if

			/ModuleFWTypeRead  ModuleFWTypeAddress ReadMemory def
			/ModuleFWVersionRead  ModuleFWVersionAddress ReadMemory def
			/ModuleHWVersionRead  ModuleHWVersionAddress ReadMemory def
			/ModuleType  $A3000000 ReadMemory def

			% check HW module version
			ModuleHWVersionRead ModuleHWVersion ge[B
			% Module HW >= V1.0.2
				ModuleType $40 eq [B
					ModuleFWTypeRead ModuleFWType ne ModuleFWVersionRead ModuleFWVersion lt ModuleFWVersionRead $FFFF eq or or [B
						'Downloading ' ModuleParFile add log
						ModuleParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File	% load image for FPGA

						% Write install new FPGA image controller
						/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
						/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0010 or def
						OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo

						ResetDevice % AutoStart FPGA Updater after reset
						'Updating FPGA...' log
						80000 wait

						% erase FPGA image
						$80040000 PackInst:EraseFlash
						250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking

						% write new FPGA version info
						ModuleFWTypeAddress ModuleFWType WriteWordToElo
						ModuleFWVersionAddress ModuleFWVersion WriteWordToElo

						% Do nothing. FPGA is already up to date.
					] ifelse
					'Warning: POWERLINK module is not connected!' log
				] ifelse
				/Result #0 def
				'Warning: POWERLINK module HW Version older than V1.0.2!' log

		IntfSel.Name 'SERCOSIII' eq [B
			/ModuleFWType		$0200 def		% SC
			/ModuleFWVersion	$0202 def		% Version 2, Subversion 1 --> sercon100s V2.11

			/ModuleFWTypeAddress $A3000070 def
			/ModuleFWVersionAddress $A3000072 def

			/MissingFile '' def
			/ModuleParFile FilePath IntfSel.IntfDir add IntfSel.IntfModuleOSUP add def
				ModuleParFile FileExist not [B
				/MissingFile ModuleParFile def
			] if

			/ModuleFWTypeRead  ModuleFWTypeAddress ReadMemory def
			/ModuleFWVersionRead  ModuleFWVersionAddress ReadMemory def
			/ModuleType $A3000000 ReadMemory def

			ModuleType $40 eq [B
				ModuleFWTypeRead ModuleFWType ne ModuleFWVersionRead ModuleFWVersion lt ModuleFWVersionRead $FFFF eq or or [B
					'Downloading ' ModuleParFile add log
					ModuleParFile dup loadobj exch PackInst:DownloadHX2File	% load OSUP for FPGA

					% Write install new FPGA image controller
					/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
					/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0010 or def
					OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo

					ResetDevice % AutoStart FPGA Updater after reset
					'Updating FPGA...' log
					80000 wait

					% erase FPGA image
					$80040000 PackInst:EraseFlash
					250 wait % give switch some time to process eth frames received while erasing flash which is blocking

					% write new FPGA version info
					ModuleFWTypeAddress ModuleFWType WriteWordToElo
					ModuleFWVersionAddress ModuleFWVersion WriteWordToElo

					% Do nothing. FPGA is already up to date.
				] ifelse
				'Warning: SERCOSIII module is not connected!' log
			] ifelse


		PIVar:PortType 'ETH' eq ProgFlag not and [B
			IPAddressAddr IPAddressLo WriteWordToElo
			IPAddressAddr 2 add IPAddressHi WriteWordToElo
			NetMaskAddr NetMaskLo WriteWordToElo
			NetMaskAddr 2 add NetMaskHi WriteWordToElo
			DefaultGatewayAddr DefaultGatewayLo WriteWordToElo
			DefaultGatewayAddr 2 add DefaultGatewayHi WriteWordToElo
			% set the config modes to the old values
			IPConfigModeAddr IPConfigMode WriteWordToElo
			DefGWConfigModeAddr DefGWConfigMode WriteWordToElo
		] if

		MCInstallValidAddr InstallationInvalid WriteWordToElo

		'Clearing Parameter Sections...' log
		2 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar
		3 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar
		4 PIVar:TalkIntf.ClearInstancePar

		% Write new Firmware message to controller
		/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommandAddress ReadMemory def
		/OSInstallCommand OSInstallCommand $0001 or def
		OSInstallCommandAddress OSInstallCommand WriteWordToElo

		[A  ]