[D /Date '04.03.2022' /FileType 'in2' /FileVersion 1 /HelpFile 'Par2S.hlp' /InstanceInfoDict [D ] /MessageSources [A [D /Caption 'Safety Error' /MsgArr [A [D /EnumChildArray [A [R [D:ChildTypeListCont /Caption @0 /Classification @0 /ErrorBehavior @0 /Fatal @0 /HelpKeyWord @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Value @0 ] [A 'Safety Error' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Das Safety Board meldet einen Fehler.' /English 'The safety board reports an error.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 166 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: Safe input fault' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Ein Fehler an den sicheren Eingängen wurde erkannt. Mögliche Ursachen: Verdrahtung, Diskrepanz zwischen den beiden Kanälen, Störungen, ... Empfohlene Maßnahme: Verdrahtung überprüfen, Konfiguration überprüfen, kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'An error on the safe inputs is detected. Possible faults: wiring, discrepancy between the two channels, disturbances, & Recommended action: check wiring, check configuration, contact support.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 422 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: Safe output fault' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Ein Fehler auf dem sicheren Digitalausgang wurde erkannt. Die interne Diagnose erzeugt Testimpulse und prüft die Pegel. Mögliche Ursachen: Testimpulse fehlgeschlagen, falsche Pegel Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Verdrahtung prüfen, Konfiguration prüfen, kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'An error on the safe digital output is detected. The internal diagnosis produces test pulses and checks the levels. Possible faults: Test pulses failed, wrong levels Recommended actions: check wiring, check configuration, contact support.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 678 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: STO output fault' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Ein Fehler auf dem STO-Ausgang wurde erkannt. Die Diagnose wird intern durchgeführt. Empfohlene Aktionen: Melden Sie den Fehler dem Anbieter, schicken Sie das Drive zur Reparatur zurück oder tauschen Sie es aus.' /English 'An error on the STO output is detected. The diagnosis is done internally. Recommended actions: Report error to provider, send drive back for repair or exchange it.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 934 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: Acknowledge input fault' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Es wurde ein Fehler am Bestätigungseingang festgestellt. Der Acknowledge-Eingang darf nur auf Anforderung geschaltet werden. Vergleiche mit UPID 1A19h, Ereignis Fn State Int des Umrichters. Empfohlene Aktion: Verhalten der Acknowledge-Steuerlogik prüfen.' /English 'An Error on the acknowledge input has been detected. The acknowledge input must only be switched when requested. Compare with UPID 1A19h, Drive Fn State Int Event. Recommended action: Check behavior of acknowledge control logic.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 1190 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: Encoder communication fault' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Die Kommunikation mit dem Motor-Encoder ist fehlgeschlagen. Mögliche Fehler: Verdrahtung, Störungen, Kabel Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Verdrahtung zum Motor überprüfen, kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'The communication to the motor encoder has failed. Possible faults: Wiring, disturbances, cable Recommended actions: Check wiring to motor, check configuration contact support.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 1446 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: Encoder fault' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Der Motorpositionsgeber hat bei der Auswertung einen Fehler erzeugt. Die Signale werden auf Konsistenz geprüft. Empfohlene Aktionen: Verdrahtung prüfen, Konfiguration prüfen, kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'The motor position encoder has evaluation has generated an error. The signals are checked for consistency. Recommended actions: Check wiring, check configuration, contact support.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 1702 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: Safe fieldbus fault' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Es wurde ein Fehler auf dem sicheren Feldbus entdeckt. Mögliche Fehler: Kommunikation ohne Konfiguration, Fehler in der Kommunikation Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Firmware, Verdrahtung, Konfiguration, PLC-Konfiguration überprüfen. kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'An error on the safe fieldbus has been detected. Possible faults: Communication without configuration, error in communication Recommended actions: Check firmware, wiring, configuration, PLC configuration. Contact support.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2214 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: Safety parameter invalid' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Die Konfiguration der Sicherheitsparameter ist nicht gültig. Empfohlene Aktionen: Konfiguration prüfen, Validierung durchführen. Kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'The configuration of the safety parameters is not valid. Recommended actions: Check configuration, make validation. Contact support' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3494 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: Safe fieldbus config' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Ein Konfigurationsfehler bezüglich des sicheren Feldbusses wird erkannt. Wahrscheinlich gibt es eine aktive Feldbuskommunikation ohne gültige Konfiguration. Empfohlene Aktion: Konfiguration prüfen' /English 'A configuration error concerning the safe fieldbus is detected. Probably there is an active fieldbus communication without a valid configuration. Recommended action: check configuration' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4518 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: Brake output fault' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Die interne Diagnose für den Bremsenausgang hat einen Fehler festgestellt. Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Konfiguration prüfen, Verkabelung prüfen, Bremse prüfen, kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'The internal diagnosis for the brake output has detected a fault. Recommended actions: check configuration, check cabling, check brake, contact support' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4774 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: Temperature fault ' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Die interne Drivetemperatur ist zu hoch gestiegen. Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Überprüfen Sie die Kühlung (Schrank, Lüfter, ...), überprüfen Sie die Anwendung.' /English 'The internal drive temperature has raised too high. Recommended actions: Check cooling (cabinet, fan, &), check application.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 5030 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: CrossCom Timing fault' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Es wurde ein internes Zeitproblem festgestellt mit der Querkommunikation. Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Fehler dem Anbieter melden.' /English 'An internal timing problem has been detected with the cross communication occured. Recommended actions: Report error to provider.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 5286 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: Internal discrepancy' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Es wurde eine interne Diskrepanz zwischen den beiden Überwachungskanälen festgestellt. Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Fehler dem Anbieter melden.' /English 'An internal discrepancy between the two monitoring channels has been detected. Recommended actions: Report error to provider.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 5542 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: Internal fault' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Es wurde ein unspezifischer interner Fehler festgestellt. Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Fehler dem Anbieter melden.' /English 'A nonspecific internal fault has been detected. Recommended actions: Report error to provider.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 5798 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: IO fault' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Es wurde ein unspezifischer IO-Fehler entdeckt. Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Fehler dem Anbieter melden.' /English 'A nonspecific IO fault has been detected. Recommended actions: Report error to provider.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 6054 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: FS Task less calc time' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Die Sicherheitsaufgabe benötigt zu viel Rechenzeit. Kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'The safety task needs too much calculation time. Contact LinMot support.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 6310 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: FS Task period time too high' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Der Zeitfehler der Sicherheitsaufgabenperiode. Kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'The safety task period time error. Contact LinMot support' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 6566 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Fatal Err: Selftest RAM error' 'Error' @0 #1 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Selbsttest-RAM-Fehler. Kontaktieren Sie den LinMot Support.' /English 'Selftest RAM error. Contact LinMot support' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 6822 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: SBT error' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Err: Fehler während des Tests der sicheren Bremse, ueberpruefe Bremse, ersetze Bremse' /English 'Err: During safe brake test..check brake, replace brake' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 8358 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: SBT state error' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Err: Der Tests der sicheren Bremse wurde im falschen Zustand gestartet, darf nur im Zustand Switch on disabled gestartet werden.' /English 'Err: Safe brake test started in wrong state. SBT has to be started in disabled state' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 8614 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: SBT Cfg error' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Err: Der Tests der sicheren Bremse wurde falsch Konfiguriert, keine Bremstest-Kraft/-Moment definiert' /English 'Err: Safe brake test configuration error. No braketest force/torque defined' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 8870 ] ] [R @9 [A 'Err: Wrong safety Monitoring Src 1' 'Error' @0 #0 '0' [D /Deutsch 'Err: Für den Parameter mit UPID 1980h wurde ein falscher Wert definiert.' /English 'Err: For the parameter with UPID 1980h is a wrong value defined.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 12454 ] ] ] /MSGType 13 ] ] /Name 'ERROR_GROUP_SM02' /SourceID 4106 /Type 'SOURCE' ] ] /ModuleInfo [D /BaseName '2STrPNs' /BetaInfo 'a01' /FileName '2STrPNs_SM02_V1S2_a01' /SubName 'SM02' /SubVersion 2 /TreeID 80 /TreeLevel 5 /Version 1 ] /ParameterArray [A [R [D:Directory /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /AppFlags @0 /Caption @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /HelpKeyWord @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Level @0 /Permission @0 /UPID @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 ] [A '' 0 192 'Safety' 5251075 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Main directory for the safety parameters used in the safety module.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 1 63 5251075 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'General Settings' 5251076 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'General safety parameter group. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251076 '' [A ] ] ] [R [D:UInt16 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /AppFlags @0 /Caption @0 /DefValue @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /HelpKeyWord @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Level @0 /MaxValue @0 /MinValue @0 /Permission @0 /SafetyParameterID @0 /SafetyParameterPosition @0 /UPID @0 /UseVFlag @0 /UUID @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 ] [A '' 4099 1728 'FS Parameter Version' 256 18336 'HEX' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The software version the safety parameters are intended for.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 65535 0 63 0 0 18336 '' 0 [A ] ] ] [R @90 [A '' 4099 1728 'FS Software Version' 257 18337 'HEX' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The safety parameter set version.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 65535 0 63 1 2 18337 '' 0 [A ] ] ] [R [D:String /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /AppFlags @0 /Caption @0 /DefValue @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /HelpKeyWord @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Level @0 /MaxSize @0 /Permission @0 /SafetyParameterID @0 /SafetyParameterPosition @0 /UPID @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 ] [A '' 4099 1728 'FS Configuration Name' 'No Safety' 18304 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The name of the safety configuration given by the engineer.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 24 63 2 4 18304 '' [A ] ] ] [R [D:UInt8 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /AppFlags @0 /Caption @0 /DefValue @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /HelpKeyWord @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Level @0 /MaxValue @0 /MinValue @0 /Permission @0 /SafetyParameterID @0 /SafetyParameterPosition @0 /UPID @0 /UseVFlag @0 /UUID @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 ] [A '' 4099 1728 'Speed Computation Time' 2 18339 'SCALED' '1' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The speed is computed over this time interval. The speed value is the average over this time. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 10 1 63 3 28 18339 '' 62 [A ] ] ] [R [D:RadioDir8 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /AppFlags @0 /Caption @0 /DefValue @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /HelpKeyWord @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Level @0 /Permission @0 /SafetyParameterID @0 /SafetyParameterPosition @0 /UPID @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 ] [A '' 4099 1728 'Safe Fieldbus Activation' 0 18340 'SCALED' '1' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Specifies if the safe fieldbus is enabled.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 4 29 18340 '' [A ] ] ] [R [D:RadioChild8 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /AppFlags @0 /Caption @0 /ChildValue @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /HelpKeyWord @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Level @0 /Permission @0 /SetVFlag @0 /UPID @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 ] [A '' 4099 192 'No Safe Fieldbus' 0 5251088 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'No safe fieldbus is selected.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251088 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'PROFIsafe' 1 5251089 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'PROFIsafe is selected as fieldbus.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251089 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'EtherCAT FSoE' 2 5251090 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'EtherCAT FSoE is selected as fieldbus.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251090 '' [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'Safe Input 1' 0 18342 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Selects the function of the safe digital input 1. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 5 30 18342 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Unused' 0 5251184 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The safe input is not used. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251184 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'STO' 1 5251185 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'STO' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251185 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS1' 2 5251186 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251186 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SOS' 3 5251187 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SOS' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251187 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS2' 4 5251188 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251188 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS 0' 5 5251189 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS 0' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251189 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS 1' 6 5251190 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS 1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251190 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS 2' 7 5251191 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS 2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251191 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS 3' 8 5251192 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS 3' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251192 '' [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'Safe Input 2' 0 18343 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Selects the function of the safe digital input 2. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 6 31 18343 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Unused' 0 5251200 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The safe input is not used. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251200 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'STO' 1 5251201 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'STO' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251201 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS1' 2 5251202 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251202 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SOS' 3 5251203 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SOS' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251203 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS2' 4 5251204 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251204 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS 0' 5 5251205 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS 0' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251205 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS 1' 6 5251206 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS 1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251206 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS 2' 7 5251207 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS 2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251207 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS 3' 8 5251208 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS 3' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251208 '' [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'Safe Output' 0 18344 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Selects the state of a safety function, which is provided at the safe digital output.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 7 32 18344 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Unused' 0 5251168 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The safe output is not used. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251168 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'STO' 1 5251169 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'STO' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251169 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS1' 2 5251170 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251170 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SOS' 3 5251171 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251171 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS2' 4 5251172 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SOS' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251172 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SLS' 5 5251173 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SLS' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251173 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Brake Output Mirror' 6 5251174 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Brake Output is mirrored. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251174 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'High' 7 5251175 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The safe output is always high. The safe output could be used as a supply for safe inputs.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251175 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'Encoder' 5251209 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for the encoder parameters.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251209 '' [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'Encoder Type' 0 18354 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The parameter to select the used encoder type.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 16 33 18354 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Nonsafe' 0 5251232 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Non save encoder is used. With this encoder type the  position and speed depending safety functions (SOS, SS2 and SLS) are not possible.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251232 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'PS01-23x-HP' 2 5251234 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'PS01-23x-HP' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251234 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'PS01-37x-HP' 4 5251236 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'PS01-37x-HP' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251236 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'PS01-48x-LC' 5 5251237 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'PS01-48x-LC' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251237 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'PS01-48x-HP' 6 5251238 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'PS01-48x-HP' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251238 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'RS-01 36mm' 13 5251245 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Support of RS-01 motors only for tests in Debug Version' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 48 [A ] 5251245 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'EC-02 36mm' 14 5251246 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Support of EC-02 only for tests in Debug Version' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 48 [A ] 5251246 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'EC-02 52.42mm' 15 5251247 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Support of EC-02 only for tests in Debug Version' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 48 [A ] 5251247 '' [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'Encoder Direction' 0 18355 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The parameter to select the used encoder direction.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 17 34 18355 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Normal' 0 5251248 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Normal encoder direction is used.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251248 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Inverse' 1 5251249 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The encoder direction is inverted.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251249 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'STO/SBC/SBT' 5251079 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for safety parameter group used for the brake. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251079 '' [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'Brake Attached' 0 18388 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Defines if a brake is attached.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 32 35 18388 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Not Attached' 0 5251264 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'No brake is attached' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251264 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Attached' 1 5251265 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'A brake is attached. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251265 '' [A ] ] ] [R @90 [A '' 4099 1728 'SBC STO_Delay' 20 18389 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Defines the delay between brake and STO, this value is only used if a brake is configured.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 60000 0 63 33 36 18389 '' 3 [A ] ] ] [R [D:UInt32 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /AppFlags @0 /Caption @0 /DefValue @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /HelpKeyWord @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Level @0 /MaxValue @0 /MinValue @0 /Permission @0 /SafetyParameterID @0 /SafetyParameterPosition @0 /UPID @0 /UseVFlag @0 /UUID @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 ] [A '' 4099 1728 'SBT Force' 0 18390 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Specifies the required force for the brake in the safe brake test phase. After 13849-1 this value shall be 1.3 times than the load force.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 10000000 0 63 34 38 18390 '' 9 [A ] ] ] [R @356 [A '' 4099 1728 'SBT Torque' 0 18391 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Specifies the required torque for the brake in the safe brake test phase. After 13849-1 this value shall be 1.3 times than the load torque.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 10000000 0 63 35 42 18391 '' 97 [A ] ] ] [R @90 [A '' 4099 1728 'SBT Apply Time' 250 18392 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Defines the time in which the maximal force/torque is applied in positive and negative direction during the safe brake test.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 30000 10 63 36 46 18392 '' 3 [A ] ] ] [R @356 [A '' 4099 1728 'SBT Motion Limit' 10000 18393 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The maximum allowed motion during the brake test. The fault reaction is to enter the brake failure state.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 1000000 1 63 37 48 18393 '' 5 [A ] ] ] [R @356 [A '' 4099 1728 'SBT Request Interval' 28800 18394 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'After this time a warn flag is set, which recommends to perform the brake test. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 31622400 60 63 38 52 18394 '' 71 [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'SS1' 5251081 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for SS1 safety parameter group.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251081 '' [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'SS1 Stop Source' 0 18400 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Specifies if the stop is generated in the drive or by the external setpoint generator' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 64 56 18400 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Internal QuickStop' 0 5251280 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'With this selection the drive itself initiates the stop function (Quick Stop)' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251280 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'External Stop' 2 5251281 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'With this selection the stop has to be done by the external setpoint generator (PLC).' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251281 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'SOS' 5251080 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for SOS safety parameter group.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251080 '' [A ] ] ] [R @90 [A '' 4099 1728 'SOS Activation Delay' 0 18401 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The time the drive may take to slow down before SOS is activated. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 60000 0 63 80 57 18401 '' 3 [A ] ] ] [R @356 [A '' 4099 1728 'SOS Position Tolerance +/-' 10000 18402 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The limit within the position is accepted. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 1000000 1 63 81 59 18402 '' 5 [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'SOS Fault Reaction' 2 18403 'SCALED' '1' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Definition of fault reaction for SOS.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 82 63 18403 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'STO' 2 5251296 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'STO' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251296 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS1' 3 5251297 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251297 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'SS2' 5251082 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for SS2 safety parameter group.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251082 '' [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'SS2 Stop Source' 1 18404 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Specifies if the stop is generated in the drive or by the external setpoint generator.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 96 64 18404 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'Internal Abort' 1 5251312 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'With this selections the drive itself initiates the stop function (Quick Stop)' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251312 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'External Stop' 2 5251313 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'With this selection the stop has to be done by the external setpoint generator (PLC).' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251313 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'Stop Ramp Down' 5251087 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for stop ramp down parameter group.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251087 '' [A ] ] ] [R @90 [A '' 4099 1728 'Stop Ramp Down Time' 500 18407 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Defines the maximum time for the ramp down for SS1 and SS2 safety functions.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 60000 2 63 112 65 18407 '' 3 [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'SLS 0' 5251083 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for SLS 0 safety parameter group.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251083 '' [A ] ] ] [R @356 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS 0 Speed Limit' 250000 18416 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The limit within the speed is accepted.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 2000000 1 63 128 67 18416 '' 6 [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS 0 Fault Reaction' 2 18417 'SCALED' '1' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Configurable fault reaction for SLS 0.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 129 71 18417 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'STO' 2 5251345 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'STO' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251345 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS1' 3 5251346 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251346 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS2' 4 5251347 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251347 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SOS' 5 5251348 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SOS' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251348 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'SLS 1' 5251084 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for SLS 1 safety parameter group.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251084 '' [A ] ] ] [R @356 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS 1 Speed Limit' 250000 18418 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The limit within the speed is accepted' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 2000000 1 63 144 72 18418 '' 6 [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS 1 Fault Reaction' 2 18419 'SCALED' '1' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Configurable fault reaction for SLS 1.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 145 76 18419 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'STO' 2 5251361 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'STO' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251361 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS1' 3 5251362 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251362 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS2' 4 5251363 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251363 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SOS' 5 5251364 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SOS' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251364 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'SLS 2' 5251085 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for SLS 2 safety parameter group.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251085 '' [A ] ] ] [R @356 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS 2 Speed Limit' 250000 18420 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The limit within the speed is accepted' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 2000000 1 63 160 77 18420 '' 6 [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS 2 Fault Reaction' 2 18421 'SCALED' '1' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Configurable fault reaction for SLS 2.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 161 81 18421 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'STO' 2 5251377 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'STO' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251377 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS1' 3 5251378 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251378 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS2' 4 5251379 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251379 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SOS' 5 5251380 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SOS' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251380 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'SLS 3' 5251086 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for SLS 3 safety parameter group.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251086 '' [A ] ] ] [R @356 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS 3 Speed Limit' 250000 18422 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The limit within the speed is accepted' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 2000000 1 63 176 82 18422 '' 6 [A ] ] ] [R @109 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS 3 Fault Reaction' 2 18423 'SCALED' '1' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Configurable fault reaction for SLS 3.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 63 177 86 18423 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'STO' 2 5251393 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'STO' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251393 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS1' 3 5251394 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251394 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SS2' 4 5251395 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SS2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251395 '' [A ] ] ] [R @114 [A '' 4099 192 'SOS' 5 5251396 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'SOS' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 4 63 [A ] 5251396 '' [A ] ] ] [R @81 [A '' 0 192 'SLS Ramp Down' 5251440 '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'Directory for SLS 0-3 ramp down configuration.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 2 63 5251440 '' [A ] ] ] [R @90 [A '' 4099 1728 'SLS Ramp Down Time' 500 18424 'SCALED' '0' [D /Deutsch '' /English 'The maximum allowed time for the SLS ramp down' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 60000 2 63 192 87 18424 '' 3 [A ] ] ] ] /ScriptFile '2STree.stx' /Time '12:30:34' /Units [A [R [D:UnitRec /BaseUnit @0 /ImperialCaption @0 /ImperialFUpid @0 /ImperialOffset @0 /ImperialScale @0 /MetricCaption @0 /MetricFUpid @0 /MetricOffset @0 /MetricScale @0 /RotDegreeCaption @0 /RotDegreeFUpid @0 /RotDegreeOffset @0 /RotDegreeScale @0 /RotUminCaption @0 /RotUminFUpid @0 /RotUminOffset @0 /RotUminScale @0 /SICaption @0 /SIFUpid @0 /SIOffset @0 /SIScale @0 /UnitName @0 /UUID @0 ] [A 'base' '' 2050 0E0 1E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 'Integer' 0 ] ] [R @584 [A 'base' 's' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 's' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 's' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 's' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 'Time_1ms' 3 ] ] [R @584 [A 'base' 'in' 2050 0E0 3.9370079E-6 'mm' 2049 0E0 0.0001E0 '°' 2049 0E0 1E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 'm' 2050 0E0 1E-7 'Pos_100nm' 5 ] ] [R @584 [A 'base' 'in/s' 2050 0E0 3.9370079E-5 'm/s' 2049 0E0 1E-6 '°/s' 2049 0E0 10E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 'm/s' 2050 0E0 1E-6 'Vel_1um' 6 ] ] [R @584 [A 'base' 'lbf' 2050 0E0 0.00022480894E0 'N' 2051 0E0 0.001E0 'Nm' 2051 0E0 5.72958E-9 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 'N' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 'Force_1mN' 9 ] ] [R @584 [A 'base' 'ms' 2050 0E0 1E0 'ms' 2050 0E0 1E0 'ms' 2050 0E0 1E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 'ms' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 'Time_1ms_ms' 62 ] ] [R @584 [A 'base' 's' 2050 0E0 1E0 's' 2050 0E0 1E0 's' 2050 0E0 1E0 '' 2050 0E0 1E0 's' 2050 0E0 1E0 'Time_1s' 71 ] ] [R @584 [A 'base' 'Nm' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 'Nm' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 'Nm' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 '' 2050 0E0 0.001E0 'Nm' 2050 0E0 1E0 'Torque_Nm_in_mNm' 97 ] ] ] /VariableArray [A ] /VisibilityFlags [A ] ]