[D /FileType 'in2' /HelpFile 'Par30_11.hlp' /ScriptFile 'Intf_300.stx' /FileVersion 1 /ModuleInfo [D /FileName 'ApplTrSinoide_SG7_V6S3_b01' /BaseName 'ApplTrSinoide' /SubName 'SG7' /BetaInfo 'b01' /Version 6 /SubVersion 3 /TreeID 518 /TreeLevel 4 ] /InstanceInfoDict [D /Document_1 '\Application\0185-1040*.pdf' /MCDataFile 'SinoideMotionCmdListE1100V3S14_b02.csv' ] /Units [A [R [D:UnitRec /UnitName @0 /UUID @0 /MetricScale @0 /MetricOffset @0 /MetricCaption @0 /ImperialScale @0 /ImperialOffset @0 /ImperialCaption @0 /SIScale @0 /SIOffset @0 /SICaption @0 /BaseUnit @0 ] [A 'Integer' 0 1E0 0E0 '' 1E0 0E0 '' 1E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Percent' 1 1E0 0E0 '%' 1E0 0E0 '%' 0.01E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Freq_10kHz' 2 0.01E0 0E0 'MHz' 0.01E0 0E0 'MHz' 10000E0 0E0 'Hz' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ms' 3 0.001E0 0E0 's' 0.001E0 0E0 's' 0.001E0 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_100us' 4 0.1E0 0E0 'ms' 0.1E0 0E0 'ms' 0.0001E0 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Pos_100nm' 5 0.0001E0 0E0 'mm' 3.9370079E-6 0E0 'in' 1E-7 0E0 'm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Vel_1um' 6 1E-6 0E0 'm/s' 3.9370079E-5 0E0 'in/s' 1E-6 0E0 'm/s' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Acc_10um' 7 1E-5 0E0 'm/s^2' 0.00039370079E0 0E0 'in/s^2' 1E-5 0E0 'm/s^2' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Weight_1g' 8 1E0 0E0 'g' 0.0022046226E0 0E0 'lbs' 0.001E0 0E0 'kg' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Force_1mN' 9 0.001E0 0E0 'N' 0.00022480894E0 0E0 'lbf' 0.001E0 0E0 'N' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Curr_1mA' 10 0.001E0 0E0 'A' 0.001E0 0E0 'A' 0.001E0 0E0 'A' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_10mV' 11 0.01E0 0E0 'V' 0.01E0 0E0 'V' 0.01E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_5mV' 12 0.004882813E0 0E0 'V' 0.004882813E0 0E0 'V' 0.004882813E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_200mV' 13 0.1953125E0 0E0 'V' 0.1953125E0 0E0 'V' 0.1953125E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_50mV' 14 0.0537109375E0 0E0 'V' 0.0537109375E0 0E0 'V' 0.0537109375E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Res_10mOhm' 15 0.01E0 0E0 'Ohm' 0.01E0 0E0 'Ohm' 0.01E0 0E0 'Ohm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Ind_100uH' 16 0.1E0 0E0 'mH' 0.1E0 0E0 'mH' 0.0001E0 0E0 'H' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'ViscFrict_10mN' 17 0.01E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 5.71015E-5 0E0 'lbf/(in/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'PID_P' 18 0.1E0 0E0 'A/mm' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/mm' 100E0 0E0 'A/m' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'PID_D' 19 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'PID_I' 20 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(mm*s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(mm*s)' 100E0 0E0 'A/(m*s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'OrientAngle_1deg' 21 1E0 0E0 'deg' 1E0 0E0 'deg' 0.01745329E0 0E0 'rad' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'FFSpring_1A' 22 1E0 0E0 'A/m' 1E0 0E0 'A/m' 1E0 0E0 'A/m' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'FFDamping_10mA' 23 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'FFAccel_1mA' 24 0.001E0 0E0 'A/(m/s^2)' 0.001E0 0E0 'A/(m/s^2)' 0.001E0 0E0 'A/(m/s^2)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'BEMF_10mV' 25 0.01E0 0E0 'V/(m/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'V/(m/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'V/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_10us' 26 0.01E0 0E0 'ms' 0.01E0 0E0 'ms' 1E-5 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Increments' 27 1E0 0E0 'Incr' 1E0 0E0 'Incr' 1E0 0E0 'Incr' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'EncoderSpeed' 28 0.001E0 0E0 'Incr/s' 0.001E0 0E0 'Incr/s' 0.001E0 0E0 'Incr/s' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Jerk_100um' 29 0.0001E0 0E0 'm/s^3' 0.0039370079E0 0E0 'in/s^3' 0.0001E0 0E0 'm/s^3' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'ForceConst_10mN' 30 0.01E0 0E0 'N/A' 0.01E0 0E0 'N/A' 0.01E0 0E0 'N/A' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Promille' 31 0.1E0 0E0 '%' 0.1E0 0E0 '%' 0.1E0 0E0 '%' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'ppm10' 32 0.01E0 0E0 '%' 0.01E0 0E0 '%' 0.01E0 0E0 '%' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1us' 33 1E0 0E0 'us' 1E0 0E0 'us' 1E-6 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Revolutions' 34 1E0 0E0 'Rev' 1E0 0E0 'Rev' 1E0 0E0 'Rev' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Freq_1kHz' 35 1E0 0E0 'kHz' 1E0 0E0 'kHz' 1000E0 0E0 'Hz' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1hr' 36 1E0 0E0 'h' 1E0 0E0 'h' 1E0 0E0 'h' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'SensorRes' 37 1.52587890625E-6 0E0 'um' 1.52587890625E-6 0E0 'um' 1.52587890625E-12 0E0 'm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Length_1mm' 38 0.001E0 0E0 'm' 0.00328084E0 0E0 'ft' 0.001E0 0E0 'm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Resistivity_Ohm/m' 39 0.001E0 0E0 'Ohm/m' 0.001E0 0E0 'Ohm/m' 0.001E0 0E0 'Ohm/m' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'ViscFriction_100mN/m/s' 40 0.1E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'TorqueConstant_100uNm/A' 41 0.0001E0 0E0 'Nm/A' 0.0001E0 0E0 'Nm/A' 0.0001E0 0E0 'Nm/A' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'BEMF_1uVeff/rpm' 42 1E-6 0E0 'Veff/rpm' 1E-6 0E0 'Veff/rpm' 1E-6 0E0 'Veff/rpm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ns' 43 1E-6 0E0 'ms' 1E-6 0E0 'ms' 1E-9 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Force_100mN' 44 0.1E0 0E0 'N' 0.1E0 0E0 'N' 0.1E0 0E0 'N' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'F_Ctrl_P' 45 0.0001E0 0E0 'A/N' 0.0001E0 0E0 'A/N' 0.0001E0 0E0 'A/N' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'F_Ctrl_I' 46 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'F_Ctrl_I_10m' 47 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Pos_10nm' 48 1E-5 0E0 'mm' 3.9370079E-6 0E0 'in' 1E-8 0E0 'm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Vel_100nm' 49 1E-7 0E0 'm/s' 3.9370079E-5 0E0 'in/s' 1E-7 0E0 'm/s' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Jrk_1mm' 50 0.001E0 0E0 'm/s^3' 0.00039370079E0 0E0 'in/s^3' 0.001E0 0E0 'm/s^3' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'kBaud' 51 1E0 0E0 'kBaud' 1E0 0E0 'kBaud' 1E0 0E0 'kBaud' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_1mV' 52 0.001E0 0E0 'V' 0.001E0 0E0 'V' 0.001E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_5V12B' 53 0.001323974609375E0 0E0 'V' 0.001323974609375E0 0E0 'V' 0.001323974609375E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Curr_33mA' 54 0.033099365E0 0E0 'A' 0.033099365E0 0E0 'A' 0.033099365E0 0E0 'A' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_100ns' 55 0.1E0 0E0 'us' 0.1E0 0E0 'us' 1E-7 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'IntMilli' 56 0.001E0 0E0 '' 0.001E0 0E0 '' 0.001E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'IntCenti' 57 0.01E0 0E0 '' 0.01E0 0E0 '' 0.01E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'IntDeci' 58 0.1E0 0E0 '' 0.1E0 0E0 '' 0.1E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'E1200PwrVol' 59 0.0539794921875E0 0E0 'V' 0.0539794921875E0 0E0 'V' 0.0539794921875E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'E1200_0_10V' 60 0.0027027027E0 0E0 'V' 0.0027027027E0 0E0 'V' 0.0027027027E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'E1200_10Vpp' 61 0.00537056928E0 0E0 'V' 0.00537056928E0 0E0 'V' 0.00537056928E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ms_ms' 62 1E0 0E0 'ms' 1E0 0E0 'ms' 0.001E0 0E0 'ms' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_100us_us' 63 100E0 0E0 'us' 100E0 0E0 'us' 0.0001E0 0E0 'us' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ns_ns' 64 1E0 0E0 'ns' 1E0 0E0 'ns' 1E-9 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Temp' 65 1E0 0E0 '°C' 1E0 0E0 '°C' 1E0 0E0 '°C' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ms_us' 66 0.001E0 0E0 'ms' 0.001E0 0E0 'ms' 1E-6 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'AD_EloTemp' 67 0.48828E0 -50E0 '°C' 0.48828E0 -50E0 '°C' 0.48828E0 -50E0 '°C' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_10ns_us' 68 0.01E0 0E0 'us' 0.01E0 0E0 'us' 1E-8 0E0 'us' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'T_Cap_mJ_Deg' 69 0.001E0 0E0 'J/°C' 0.001E0 0E0 'J/°C' 0.001E0 0E0 'J/°C' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Temp_01Deg' 70 0.1E0 0E0 '°C' 0.1E0 0E0 '°C' 0.1E0 0E0 '°C' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1s' 71 1E0 0E0 's' 1E0 0E0 's' 1E0 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_5_0V12B' 72 0.001220703125E0 0E0 'V' 0.001220703125E0 0E0 'V' 0.001220703125E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_1mV_2' 73 0.001E0 0E0 'V^2' 0.001E0 0E0 'V^2' 0.001E0 0E0 'V^2' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_100uV' 74 0.0001E0 0E0 'V' 0.0001E0 0E0 'V' 0.0001E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Force_1N/s' 75 1E0 0E0 'N/s' 1E0 0E0 'N/s' 1E0 0E0 'N/s' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Force_1mAs/N' 76 0.001E0 0E0 'mAs/N' 0.001E0 0E0 'mAs/N' 0.001E0 0E0 'mAs/N' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_10_0V12B' 77 0.00244140625E0 0E0 'V' 0.00244140625E0 0E0 'V' 0.00244140625E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] ] /ParameterArray [A [R [D:Directory /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 ] [A 4194304 4194304 1 'Sinoide Appl' 85 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'This directory contains the parameters of the AutoStart application software.' /Deutsch 'Dieses Verzeichnis enthaelt die Parameter der AutoStart Applikationssoftware.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @164 [A 4194560 4194560 2 'Smart Control Word Behavior' 85 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'This directory contains the smart Interface Control Word behavior parameters of the AutoStart application software.' /Deutsch 'Dieses Verzeichnis enthaelt die Konfigurationsparameter zum intelligenten Verhalten des Interface Control Words der AutoStart Applikation.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R [D:RadioDir16 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /DefValue @0 /DisplayMode @0 ] [A 12500 12500 3 'Intf Switch On Flag Behavior' 127 '' 13 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The parameter defines the smart behavior of the Interface Control Word bit 0 of the AutoStart application software. It is strongly recommended to influence the Control Word bit 0 ‘Switch On‘ over a serial bus connection or a digital input. For a testing system it might be helpful if the systems starts up automatically of powered on, for this case the switch On can be set to autostart.' /Deutsch 'Dieser Parameter definiert das intelligente Verhalten des Interface Control Word Bits 0 von der AutoStart Applikation. Es wird stark empfohlen, das Control Word Bit 0 ‘Switch On‘ ueber ein serielles Interface oder digitale Eingaenge zu steuern. Bei einem Testsystem kann es hilfreich sein, wenn dass System automatisch aufstartet. Fuer diesem Fall kann Autostart angewaehlt werden.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R [D:RadioChild /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /SetVFlag @0 /ChildValue @0 ] [A 4194320 4194320 4 'None' 127 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No smart behavior of this bit.' /Deutsch 'Kein spezielles Verhalten dieses Bits definiert.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @178 [A 4194321 4194321 4 'Autostart' 127 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The AutoStart application SW resets this bit in state 0 and sets the  bit in state 2. It is strongly recommended to influence the Control Word bit 0 ‘Switch On‘ over a serial bus connection or a digital input. For a testing system it might be helpful if the systems starts up automatically of powered on, for this case the switch On can be set to autostart.' /Deutsch 'Die AutoStart Applikation loescht dieses Bit im State 0 und setzt es in State 2. Es wird stark empfohlen, das Control Word Bit 0 ‘Switch On‘ ueber ein serielles Interface oder digitale Eingaenge zu steuern. Bei einem Testsystem kann es hilfreich sein, wenn dass System automatisch aufstartet. Fuer diesem Fall kann Autostart angewaehlt werden.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @173 [A 12501 12501 3 'Intf Home Flag Behavior' 127 '' 13 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The parameter defines the smart behavior of the Interface Control Word bit 11 of the AutoStart application software.' /Deutsch 'Dieser Parameter definiert das intelligente Verhalten des Interface Control Word Bits 11 von der AutoStart Applikation.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @178 [A 4194336 4194336 4 'None' 127 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The AutoStart application software does not affect the bit.' /Deutsch 'Kein spezielles Verhalten dieses Bits definiert.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @178 [A 4194337 4194337 4 'Autohome' 127 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Setting the Intf Home Flag Behavior to ‘Autohome’ starts the homing procedure automatically if the state 8 ‘Operation Enabled’ is reached and Status Word bit 11 ‘Homed‘ is not set. After the homing sequence has finished the interface Control Word bit 11 ‘Home’ is reset and the state 8 is entered again.' /Deutsch 'Die AutoStart Applikation setzt das Bit im State 8, sofern noch nicht referenziert wurde. Wenn die Referenzsuche abgeschlossen ist, wird dieses Bit automatisch geloescht. ' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @173 [A 12502 12502 3 'Intf Error Acknowledge Flag Behavior' 127 '' 13 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The parameter defines the smart behavior of the Interface Control Word bit 7 of the AutoStart application software.' /Deutsch 'Dieser Parameter definiert das intelligente Verhalten des Interface Control Word Bits 7 von der AutoStart Applikation.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @178 [A 4194352 4194352 4 'None' 127 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The AutoStart application software does not affect the bit.' /Deutsch 'Kein spezielles Verhalten dieses Bits definiert.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @178 [A 4194353 4194353 4 '/Switch On Flag' 127 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The AutoStart application software sets the Interface Control word bit 7 to the inverted of Control Word bit 0, with this behavior the error can be acknowledged with the release of Control Word bit 0.' /Deutsch 'Die AutoStart Applikation setzt das Interface Control Word Bit 7 auf den invertierten Zustand des Control Word Bitst 0. Durch dieses Verhalten kann ein Fehler lediglich durch Loeschen des Control Word Bits 0 quittiert werden' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @173 [A 12503 12503 3 'Intf Go To Initial Pos Flag Behavior' 127 '' 13 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The parameter defines the smart behavior of the Interface Control Word bit 13 of the AutoStart application software.' /Deutsch 'Dieser Parameter definiert das intelligente Verhalten des Interface Control Word Bits 13 von der AutoStart Applikation.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @178 [A 4194368 4194368 4 'None' 127 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The AutoStart application software does not affect the bit.' /Deutsch 'Kein spezielles Verhalten dieses Bits definiert.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @178 [A 4194369 4194369 4 'Enter Operation Enabled' 127 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The AutoStart application software sets the Interface Control word bit 13 in state 6 and releases it if @'Go To Initial Position@' motion is finished.' /Deutsch 'Die AutoStart Applikation setzt das Interface Control Word Bit 13 im State 6 und loescht es, wenn die Fahrt zur @'GoTo Inital Position@' beendet ist.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @164 [A 4194816 4194816 2 '16 Bit Interface Scaling' 85 '' 0 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'This directory contains the Motion Command Interface Scaling for 16 bit Commands.' /Deutsch 'Dieses Verzeichnis enthaelt die Skalierungswerte fuer das Motion Command Interface.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R [D:UInt16 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /UUID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /MinValue @0 /MaxValue @0 /DefValue @0 ] [A 12544 12544 3 'Jerk Scale' 127 '' 271 'AutoStartWizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Jerk scaling factor, 10@'000 means 1m/s^3 resolution.' /Deutsch 'Ruck-Skalierungsfaktor, 10@'000 means 1m/s^3 Aufloesung.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 0 30000 10000 ] ] ] /VariableArray [A ] /VisibilityFlags [A [R [D:ViewFlagCont /Name @0 /Type @0 /Equation @0 ] [A 'AutoStartMain' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AutoStartWizard' 'CALC' [A 'AutoStartMain' 'AutoStartMain' '!' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogIn1Set' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogIn2Set' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogIn1View' 'CALC' [A 'AnalogIn1Set' 'AnalogIn1Set' '!' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogIn2View' 'CALC' [A 'AnalogIn2Set' 'AnalogIn2Set' '!' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'EdgeMode' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'NoneSel_IO2' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Position_IO2' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogPos_IO2' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Curve_IO2' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'PosCurr_IO2' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Stop_IO2' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'MoveInifinit_IO2' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Homing_IO2' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO2_Configured' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO2' 'AnalogPos_IO2' '#' 'Curve_IO2' '#' 'PosCurr_IO2' '#' 'Stop_IO2' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO2' '#' 'Homing_IO2' '#' 'NoneSel_IO2' '!' '&' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO2_Pos' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO2' 'PosCurr_IO2' '#' 'Homing_IO2' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO2_MaxSpeed' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO2' 'AnalogPos_IO2' '#' 'PosCurr_IO2' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO2' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO2_Acc' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO2' 'AnalogPos_IO2' '#' 'PosCurr_IO2' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO2' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO2_Dec' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO2' 'AnalogPos_IO2' '#' 'Stop_IO2' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'NoneSel_IO3' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Position_IO3' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogPos_IO3' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Curve_IO3' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'PosCurr_IO3' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Stop_IO3' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'MoveInifinit_IO3' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Homing_IO3' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO3_Configured' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO3' 'AnalogPos_IO3' '#' 'Curve_IO3' '#' 'PosCurr_IO3' '#' 'Stop_IO3' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO3' '#' 'Homing_IO3' '#' 'NoneSel_IO3' '!' '&' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO3_Pos' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO3' 'PosCurr_IO3' '#' 'Homing_IO3' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO3_MaxSpeed' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO3' 'AnalogPos_IO3' '#' 'PosCurr_IO3' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO3' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO3_Acc' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO3' 'AnalogPos_IO3' '#' 'PosCurr_IO3' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO3' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO3_Dec' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO3' 'AnalogPos_IO3' '#' 'Stop_IO3' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'NoneSel_IO4' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Position_IO4' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogPos_IO4' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Curve_IO4' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'PosCurr_IO4' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Stop_IO4' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'MoveInifinit_IO4' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Homing_IO4' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO4_Configured' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO4' 'AnalogPos_IO4' '#' 'Curve_IO4' '#' 'PosCurr_IO4' '#' 'Stop_IO4' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO4' '#' 'Homing_IO4' '#' 'NoneSel_IO4' '!' '&' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO4_Pos' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO4' 'PosCurr_IO4' '#' 'Homing_IO4' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO4_MaxSpeed' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO4' 'AnalogPos_IO4' '#' 'PosCurr_IO4' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO4' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO4_Acc' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO4' 'AnalogPos_IO4' '#' 'PosCurr_IO4' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO4' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO4_Dec' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO4' 'AnalogPos_IO4' '#' 'Stop_IO4' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'NoneSel_IO5' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Position_IO5' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogPos_IO5' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Curve_IO5' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'PosCurr_IO5' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Stop_IO5' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'MoveInifinit_IO5' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Homing_IO5' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO5_Configured' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO5' 'AnalogPos_IO5' '#' 'Curve_IO5' '#' 'PosCurr_IO5' '#' 'Stop_IO5' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO5' '#' 'Homing_IO5' '#' 'NoneSel_IO5' '!' '&' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO5_Pos' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO5' 'PosCurr_IO5' '#' 'Homing_IO5' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO5_MaxSpeed' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO5' 'AnalogPos_IO5' '#' 'PosCurr_IO5' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO5' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO5_Acc' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO5' 'AnalogPos_IO5' '#' 'PosCurr_IO5' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO5' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO5_Dec' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO5' 'AnalogPos_IO5' '#' 'Stop_IO5' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'NoneSel_IO6' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Position_IO6' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogPos_IO6' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Curve_IO6' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'PosCurr_IO6' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Stop_IO6' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'MoveInifinit_IO6' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Homing_IO6' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO6_Configured' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO6' 'AnalogPos_IO6' '#' 'Curve_IO6' '#' 'PosCurr_IO6' '#' 'Stop_IO6' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO6' '#' 'Homing_IO6' '#' 'NoneSel_IO6' '!' '&' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO6_Pos' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO6' 'PosCurr_IO6' '#' 'Homing_IO6' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO6_MaxSpeed' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO6' 'AnalogPos_IO6' '#' 'PosCurr_IO6' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO6' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO6_Acc' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO6' 'AnalogPos_IO6' '#' 'PosCurr_IO6' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO6' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO6_Dec' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO6' 'AnalogPos_IO6' '#' 'Stop_IO6' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'NoneSel_IO7' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Position_IO7' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogPos_IO7' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Curve_IO7' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'PosCurr_IO7' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Stop_IO7' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'MoveInifinit_IO7' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Homing_IO7' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO7_Configured' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO7' 'AnalogPos_IO7' '#' 'Curve_IO7' '#' 'PosCurr_IO7' '#' 'Stop_IO7' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO7' '#' 'Homing_IO7' '#' 'NoneSel_IO7' '!' '&' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO7_Pos' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO7' 'PosCurr_IO7' '#' 'Homing_IO7' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO7_MaxSpeed' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO7' 'AnalogPos_IO7' '#' 'PosCurr_IO7' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO7' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO7_Acc' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO7' 'AnalogPos_IO7' '#' 'PosCurr_IO7' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO7' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO7_Dec' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO7' 'AnalogPos_IO7' '#' 'Stop_IO7' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'NoneSel_IO8' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Position_IO8' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogPos_IO8' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Curve_IO8' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'PosCurr_IO8' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Stop_IO8' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'MoveInifinit_IO8' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Homing_IO8' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO8_Configured' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO8' 'AnalogPos_IO8' '#' 'Curve_IO8' '#' 'PosCurr_IO8' '#' 'Stop_IO8' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO8' '#' 'Homing_IO8' '#' 'NoneSel_IO8' '!' '&' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO8_Pos' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO8' 'PosCurr_IO8' '#' 'Homing_IO8' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO8_MaxSpeed' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO8' 'AnalogPos_IO8' '#' 'PosCurr_IO8' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO8' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO8_Acc' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO8' 'AnalogPos_IO8' '#' 'PosCurr_IO8' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO8' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO8_Dec' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO8' 'AnalogPos_IO8' '#' 'Stop_IO8' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'NoneSel_IO9' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Position_IO9' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'AnalogPos_IO9' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Curve_IO9' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'PosCurr_IO9' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Stop_IO9' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'MoveInifinit_IO9' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'Homing_IO9' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO9_Configured' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO9' 'AnalogPos_IO9' '#' 'Curve_IO9' '#' 'PosCurr_IO9' '#' 'Stop_IO9' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO9' '#' 'Homing_IO9' '#' 'NoneSel_IO9' '!' '&' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO9_Pos' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO9' 'PosCurr_IO9' '#' 'Homing_IO9' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO9_MaxSpeed' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO9' 'AnalogPos_IO9' '#' 'PosCurr_IO9' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO9' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO9_Acc' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO9' 'AnalogPos_IO9' '#' 'PosCurr_IO9' '#' 'MoveInifinit_IO9' '#' ] ] ] [R @242 [A 'IO9_Dec' 'CALC' [A 'Position_IO9' 'AnalogPos_IO9' '#' 'Stop_IO9' '#' ] ] ] ] /MessageSources [A ] ]