[D /FileType 'in2' /HelpFile 'Par30_11.hlp' /ScriptFile 'Intf_300.stx' /FileVersion 1 /ModuleInfo [D /FileName 'IntfTrPN_SG5_V6S3_b01' /BaseName 'IntfTrPN' /SubName 'SG5' /BetaInfo 'b01' /Version 6 /SubVersion 3 /TreeID 531 /TreeLevel 3 ] /InstanceInfoDict [D /Document_1 '\Interface\0185-1090*.pdf' /Document_2 '\Interface\0185-1074*.pdf' ] /Units [A [R [D:UnitRec /UnitName @0 /UUID @0 /MetricScale @0 /MetricOffset @0 /MetricCaption @0 /ImperialScale @0 /ImperialOffset @0 /ImperialCaption @0 /SIScale @0 /SIOffset @0 /SICaption @0 /BaseUnit @0 ] [A 'Integer' 0 1E0 0E0 '' 1E0 0E0 '' 1E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Percent' 1 1E0 0E0 '%' 1E0 0E0 '%' 0.01E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Freq_10kHz' 2 0.01E0 0E0 'MHz' 0.01E0 0E0 'MHz' 10000E0 0E0 'Hz' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ms' 3 0.001E0 0E0 's' 0.001E0 0E0 's' 0.001E0 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_100us' 4 0.1E0 0E0 'ms' 0.1E0 0E0 'ms' 0.0001E0 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Pos_100nm' 5 0.0001E0 0E0 'mm' 3.9370079E-6 0E0 'in' 1E-7 0E0 'm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Vel_1um' 6 1E-6 0E0 'm/s' 3.9370079E-5 0E0 'in/s' 1E-6 0E0 'm/s' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Acc_10um' 7 1E-5 0E0 'm/s^2' 0.00039370079E0 0E0 'in/s^2' 1E-5 0E0 'm/s^2' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Weight_1g' 8 1E0 0E0 'g' 0.0022046226E0 0E0 'lbs' 0.001E0 0E0 'kg' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Force_1mN' 9 0.001E0 0E0 'N' 0.00022480894E0 0E0 'lbf' 0.001E0 0E0 'N' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Curr_1mA' 10 0.001E0 0E0 'A' 0.001E0 0E0 'A' 0.001E0 0E0 'A' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_10mV' 11 0.01E0 0E0 'V' 0.01E0 0E0 'V' 0.01E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_5mV' 12 0.004882813E0 0E0 'V' 0.004882813E0 0E0 'V' 0.004882813E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_200mV' 13 0.1953125E0 0E0 'V' 0.1953125E0 0E0 'V' 0.1953125E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_50mV' 14 0.0537109375E0 0E0 'V' 0.0537109375E0 0E0 'V' 0.0537109375E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Res_10mOhm' 15 0.01E0 0E0 'Ohm' 0.01E0 0E0 'Ohm' 0.01E0 0E0 'Ohm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Ind_100uH' 16 0.1E0 0E0 'mH' 0.1E0 0E0 'mH' 0.0001E0 0E0 'H' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'ViscFrict_10mN' 17 0.01E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 5.71015E-5 0E0 'lbf/(in/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'PID_P' 18 0.1E0 0E0 'A/mm' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/mm' 100E0 0E0 'A/m' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'PID_D' 19 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'PID_I' 20 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(mm*s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(mm*s)' 100E0 0E0 'A/(m*s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'OrientAngle_1deg' 21 1E0 0E0 'deg' 1E0 0E0 'deg' 0.01745329E0 0E0 'rad' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'FFSpring_1A' 22 1E0 0E0 'A/m' 1E0 0E0 'A/m' 1E0 0E0 'A/m' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'FFDamping_10mA' 23 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'FFAccel_1mA' 24 0.001E0 0E0 'A/(m/s^2)' 0.001E0 0E0 'A/(m/s^2)' 0.001E0 0E0 'A/(m/s^2)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'BEMF_10mV' 25 0.01E0 0E0 'V/(m/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'V/(m/s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'V/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_10us' 26 0.01E0 0E0 'ms' 0.01E0 0E0 'ms' 1E-5 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Increments' 27 1E0 0E0 'Incr' 1E0 0E0 'Incr' 1E0 0E0 'Incr' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'EncoderSpeed' 28 0.001E0 0E0 'Incr/s' 0.001E0 0E0 'Incr/s' 0.001E0 0E0 'Incr/s' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Jerk_100um' 29 0.0001E0 0E0 'm/s^3' 0.0039370079E0 0E0 'in/s^3' 0.0001E0 0E0 'm/s^3' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'ForceConst_10mN' 30 0.01E0 0E0 'N/A' 0.01E0 0E0 'N/A' 0.01E0 0E0 'N/A' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Promille' 31 0.1E0 0E0 '%' 0.1E0 0E0 '%' 0.1E0 0E0 '%' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'ppm10' 32 0.01E0 0E0 '%' 0.01E0 0E0 '%' 0.01E0 0E0 '%' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1us' 33 1E0 0E0 'us' 1E0 0E0 'us' 1E-6 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Revolutions' 34 1E0 0E0 'Rev' 1E0 0E0 'Rev' 1E0 0E0 'Rev' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Freq_1kHz' 35 1E0 0E0 'kHz' 1E0 0E0 'kHz' 1000E0 0E0 'Hz' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1hr' 36 1E0 0E0 'h' 1E0 0E0 'h' 1E0 0E0 'h' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'SensorRes' 37 1.52587890625E-6 0E0 'um' 1.52587890625E-6 0E0 'um' 1.52587890625E-12 0E0 'm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Length_1mm' 38 0.001E0 0E0 'm' 0.00328084E0 0E0 'ft' 0.001E0 0E0 'm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Resistivity_Ohm/m' 39 0.001E0 0E0 'Ohm/m' 0.001E0 0E0 'Ohm/m' 0.001E0 0E0 'Ohm/m' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'ViscFriction_100mN/m/s' 40 0.1E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'N/(m/s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'TorqueConstant_100uNm/A' 41 0.0001E0 0E0 'Nm/A' 0.0001E0 0E0 'Nm/A' 0.0001E0 0E0 'Nm/A' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'BEMF_1uVeff/rpm' 42 1E-6 0E0 'Veff/rpm' 1E-6 0E0 'Veff/rpm' 1E-6 0E0 'Veff/rpm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ns' 43 1E-6 0E0 'ms' 1E-6 0E0 'ms' 1E-9 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Force_100mN' 44 0.1E0 0E0 'N' 0.1E0 0E0 'N' 0.1E0 0E0 'N' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'F_Ctrl_P' 45 0.0001E0 0E0 'A/N' 0.0001E0 0E0 'A/N' 0.0001E0 0E0 'A/N' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'F_Ctrl_I' 46 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 0.1E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'F_Ctrl_I_10m' 47 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 0.01E0 0E0 'A/(N*s)' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Pos_10nm' 48 1E-5 0E0 'mm' 3.9370079E-6 0E0 'in' 1E-8 0E0 'm' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Vel_100nm' 49 1E-7 0E0 'm/s' 3.9370079E-5 0E0 'in/s' 1E-7 0E0 'm/s' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Jrk_1mm' 50 0.001E0 0E0 'm/s^3' 0.00039370079E0 0E0 'in/s^3' 0.001E0 0E0 'm/s^3' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'kBaud' 51 1E0 0E0 'kBaud' 1E0 0E0 'kBaud' 1E0 0E0 'kBaud' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_1mV' 52 0.001E0 0E0 'V' 0.001E0 0E0 'V' 0.001E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_5V12B' 53 0.001323974609375E0 0E0 'V' 0.001323974609375E0 0E0 'V' 0.001323974609375E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Curr_33mA' 54 0.033099365E0 0E0 'A' 0.033099365E0 0E0 'A' 0.033099365E0 0E0 'A' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_100ns' 55 0.1E0 0E0 'us' 0.1E0 0E0 'us' 1E-7 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'IntMilli' 56 0.001E0 0E0 '' 0.001E0 0E0 '' 0.001E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'IntCenti' 57 0.01E0 0E0 '' 0.01E0 0E0 '' 0.01E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'IntDeci' 58 0.1E0 0E0 '' 0.1E0 0E0 '' 0.1E0 0E0 '' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'E1200PwrVol' 59 0.0539794921875E0 0E0 'V' 0.0539794921875E0 0E0 'V' 0.0539794921875E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'E1200_0_10V' 60 0.0027027027E0 0E0 'V' 0.0027027027E0 0E0 'V' 0.0027027027E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'E1200_10Vpp' 61 0.00537056928E0 0E0 'V' 0.00537056928E0 0E0 'V' 0.00537056928E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ms_ms' 62 1E0 0E0 'ms' 1E0 0E0 'ms' 0.001E0 0E0 'ms' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_100us_us' 63 100E0 0E0 'us' 100E0 0E0 'us' 0.0001E0 0E0 'us' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ns_ns' 64 1E0 0E0 'ns' 1E0 0E0 'ns' 1E-9 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Temp' 65 1E0 0E0 '°C' 1E0 0E0 '°C' 1E0 0E0 '°C' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1ms_us' 66 0.001E0 0E0 'ms' 0.001E0 0E0 'ms' 1E-6 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'AD_EloTemp' 67 0.48828E0 -50E0 '°C' 0.48828E0 -50E0 '°C' 0.48828E0 -50E0 '°C' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_10ns_us' 68 0.01E0 0E0 'us' 0.01E0 0E0 'us' 1E-8 0E0 'us' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'T_Cap_mJ_Deg' 69 0.001E0 0E0 'J/°C' 0.001E0 0E0 'J/°C' 0.001E0 0E0 'J/°C' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Temp_01Deg' 70 0.1E0 0E0 '°C' 0.1E0 0E0 '°C' 0.1E0 0E0 '°C' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Time_1s' 71 1E0 0E0 's' 1E0 0E0 's' 1E0 0E0 's' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_5_0V12B' 72 0.001220703125E0 0E0 'V' 0.001220703125E0 0E0 'V' 0.001220703125E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_1mV_2' 73 0.001E0 0E0 'V^2' 0.001E0 0E0 'V^2' 0.001E0 0E0 'V^2' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_100uV' 74 0.0001E0 0E0 'V' 0.0001E0 0E0 'V' 0.0001E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Force_1N/s' 75 1E0 0E0 'N/s' 1E0 0E0 'N/s' 1E0 0E0 'N/s' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Force_1mAs/N' 76 0.001E0 0E0 'mAs/N' 0.001E0 0E0 'mAs/N' 0.001E0 0E0 'mAs/N' 'base' ] ] [R @6 [A 'Voltage_10_0V12B' 77 0.00244140625E0 0E0 'V' 0.00244140625E0 0E0 'V' 0.00244140625E0 0E0 'V' 'base' ] ] ] /ParameterArray [A [R [D:Directory /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 ] [A 3276800 3276800 1 'ProfiNet' 85 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Main directory for Ethernet/IP parameters.' /Deutsch 'Hauptverzeichnis der Ethernet/IP Parameter.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R [D:RadioDirBit /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /SetVFlag @0 /DefValue @0 /DisplayMode @0 ] [A 8200 8200 2 'Dis-/Enable' 127 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'With the Dis-/Enable parameter the LinMot drive can be run without the Ethernet/IP going online.' /Deutsch 'Auswahlparameter fr das Aktiviere/Deaktivieren der Ethernet/IP Inetrface SW.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 'SCALED' ] ] [R [D:RadioChildBit /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /SetVFlag @0 /ChildValue @0 ] [A 3276816 3276816 3 'Disable' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The drive runs without Ethernet/IP.' /Deutsch 'Deaktiveire die Ethernet/IP Inetrface SW.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @175 [A 3276817 3276817 3 'Enable' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Enable Ethernet/IP funktionality.' /Deutsch 'Aktiveire die Ethernet/IP Interface SW.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R [D:UInt16 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /UUID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /MinValue @0 /MaxValue @0 /DefValue @0 ] [A 12025 12025 2 'Asic Reset' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Defines OS behavior of the RT ASIC reset line 0 = input, 1 = output 0, 2 = output 1.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 0 65535 1 ] ] [R @164 [A 3342752 3342752 2 'Device Configuration' 16 '' 5 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Device Configuration' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R [D:RadioDir16 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /DefValue @0 /DisplayMode @0 ] [A 8336 8336 3 'Device Emulation' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Device Emulation' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R [D:RadioChild /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /SetVFlag @0 /ChildValue @0 ] [A 3342480 3342480 4 'None' 56 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'None' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @200 [A 3342481 3342481 4 'KW-SW TPS1' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'KW-SW TPS1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @200 [A 3342482 3342482 4 'Update' 56 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Update' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @200 [A 3342483 3342483 4 'C1250-PD' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'C1250-PD' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @200 [A 3342484 3342484 4 'C1150-PD' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'C1150-PD' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @186 [A 8337 8337 3 'Vendor ID' 48 '' 271 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ODVA vendo ID' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 0 65535 461 ] ] [R @186 [A 8338 8338 3 'Product Code' 48 '' 271 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Profinet Product Code' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 0 65535 1762 ] ] [R [D:String /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /DefValue @0 /DisplayMode @0 /MaxSize @0 ] [A 8416 8416 3 'Name of Station' 48 '' 271 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Name Of Station' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 'E1250-PN' 'SCALED' 32 ] ] [R @186 [A 8340 8340 3 'Simulated MAC High' 48 '' 271 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Simulated MAC High' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 65535 10 ] ] [R @186 [A 8341 8341 3 'Simulated MAC Mid' 48 '' 271 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Simulated MAC Mid' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 65535 34335 ] ] [R @186 [A 8342 8342 3 'Simulated MAC Low' 48 '' 271 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Simulated MAC Low' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 65535 318 ] ] [R @164 [A 3342753 3342753 3 'TPS Bus Config' 16 '' 5 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Bus Config' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @195 [A 8346 8346 4 'Config Sorce' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config Sorce' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @200 [A 3342496 3342496 5 'Hard coded' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Hard coded' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @200 [A 3342497 3342497 5 'Parameter' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Parameter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R [D:UInt32 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /UUID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /MinValue @0 /MaxValue @0 /DefValue @0 ] [A 8347 8347 4 'Timing Par 1' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Source for Monitoring Channel 1' /Deutsch 'Quelle (UPID) des Monitoring-Kanals 1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 4294967295 ] ] [R @269 [A 8348 8348 4 'Timing Par 2' 48 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Source for Monitoring Channel 1' /Deutsch 'Quelle (UPID) des Monitoring-Kanals 1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 4294967295 ] ] [R @164 [A 3342592 3342592 2 'Ethernet Configuration' 48 '' 5 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Ethernet Configuration' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @195 [A 8448 8448 3 'IP Configuration Mode' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Selector for IP Config Mode.' /Deutsch 'Auswahl des IP Konfigurationsmodus.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 3 'SCALED' ] ] [R @200 [A 3342593 3342593 4 'DHCP' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'IP Address is configured automatically via DHCP. If no DHCP-Server is found, the APIPA mechanism is used.' /Deutsch 'Die IP Adresse wird automatisch ber DHCP konfiguriert. Wird kein DHCP-Server gefunden, wird der APIPA Mechanismus verwendet.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @200 [A 3342595 3342595 4 'Static by IP Configuration' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'IP Address is configured manually via @'IP Configuration@' .' /Deutsch 'Die IP Adresse wird manuell via @'IP Configuration@' eingestellt.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @200 [A 3342596 3342596 4 'Static with Hex Switches S1 and S2' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'IP Address is configured manually via @'IP Configuration@' . The lowest Byte of the IP Address is configured via the Hex Switches S1 and S2. If S1 = 0 and S2 = 0 (Factory setting) the DHCP mode is activated.' /Deutsch 'Die IP Adresse wird manuell via @'IP Configuration@' eingestellt. Das niederwertigste Byte der IP Adresse wird ber die Hex Switches S1 und S2 eingestellt. Falls S1 = 0 und S2 = 0 (Fabrikeinstellung) wird der DHCP-Mode aktiviert.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @164 [A 3342608 3342608 3 'IP Configuration' 58 '' 5 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'IP Configuration' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R [D:UInt8 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /UUID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /MinValue @0 /MaxValue @0 /DefValue @0 ] [A 8465 8465 4 'IP address 1st Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '1st byte of device IP address.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 192 ] ] [R @305 [A 8466 8466 4 'IP address 2nd Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '2nd byte of device IP address.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 168 ] ] [R @305 [A 8467 8467 4 'IP address 3rd Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '3rd byte of device IP address.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 1 ] ] [R @305 [A 8468 8468 4 'IP address 4th Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '4th byte of device IP address.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 89 ] ] [R @305 [A 8481 8481 4 'Netmask 1st Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '1st byte of device Netmask.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 255 ] ] [R @305 [A 8482 8482 4 'Netmask 2nd Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '2nd byte of device Netmask' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 255 ] ] [R @305 [A 8483 8483 4 'Netmask 3rd Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '3rd byte of device Netmask.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 255 ] ] [R @305 [A 8484 8484 4 'Netmask 4th Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '4th byte of device Netmask.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 8497 8497 4 'Standart Gateway 1st Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '1st byte of the default gateway IP address.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 192 ] ] [R @305 [A 8498 8498 4 'Standart Gateway 2nd Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '2nd byte of the default gateway IP address.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 168 ] ] [R @305 [A 8499 8499 4 'Standart Gateway 3rd Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '3rd byte of the default gateway IP address.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 1 ] ] [R @305 [A 8500 8500 4 'Standart Gateway 4th Byte' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English '4th byte of the default gateway IP address.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 255 1 ] ] [R @164 [A 3211282 3211282 2 'Node Address' 48 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'This directory contains the parameters defining the node address.' /Deutsch 'Dieses Verzeichnis enth„lt die Parameter zum Einstellen der Knotenadresse.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @195 [A 8300 8300 3 'Node Address Selection' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The Node Address parameter defines the source of the Node Address.' /Deutsch 'Dieser Parameter definiert die Quelle fr die Definition der Knotenadresse.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @200 [A 3211296 3211296 4 'By Hex Switches' 58 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The Node Address is determined by the two Hex Switches S1 and S2' /Deutsch 'Die Knotenadresse wird durch die beiden hexadezimalen Drehschalter S1 und S2 bestimmt.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @200 [A 3211297 3211297 4 'By Parameter' 58 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The Node Address is determined by the setting of parameter <UPID>$2076.' /Deutsch 'Die Knotenadresse wird durch den Parameter <UPID>$2076 bestimmt.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @186 [A 8310 8310 3 'Node Address Parameter Value' 58 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Defines the node address when parameter <UPID>$206C is set to ?By Parameter?.' /Deutsch 'Definiert die Knotenadresse, wenn Parameter <UPID>$206C auf ?By Parameter? gesetzt ist.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 1 126 17 ] ] [R @164 [A 3211283 3211283 2 'Byte/Word Order' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'This directory contains the parameters defining byte and word order.' /Deutsch 'Dieses Verzeichnis enth„lt die Parameter zum definieren der Byte- und Wortreihenfolge.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @195 [A 8320 8320 3 'Byte Order' 127 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Defines the used byte order.' /Deutsch 'Definiert die Bytereihenfolge.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @200 [A 3211312 3211312 4 'reversed' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Byte order is reversed. For S7 PLC?s select reversed.' /Deutsch '"Die Bytereihenfolge ist gedreht. Bei S7 SPS sollte ""reversed"" angew„hlt werden."' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @200 [A 3211313 3211313 4 'not reversed' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Byte order is not reversed.' /Deutsch 'Die Bytereihenfolge ist nicht gedreht.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @195 [A 8321 8321 3 'Word Order' 127 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Defines the used word order for double words.' /Deutsch 'Definiert die Wortreihenfolge fr Doppelw”rter.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 1 'SCALED' ] ] [R @200 [A 3211314 3211314 4 'reversed' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Word order is reversed. For S7 PLC?s select reversed.' /Deutsch '"Die Wortreihenfolge ist gedreht. Bei S7 SPS sollte ""reversed"" angew„hlt werden."' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @200 [A 3211315 3211315 4 'not reversed' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Word order is not reversed.' /Deutsch 'Die Wortreihenfolge ist nicht gedreht.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @195 [A 8322 8322 3 'MC CMD Intf Par Order' 127 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Defines the order of the parameters in the MC CMD Interface module.' /Deutsch 'Definiert die Reihenfolge der Parameter im MC CMD Interface Modul.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 1 'SCALED' ] ] [R @200 [A 3211316 3211316 4 'reversed' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Order is reversed. CMD Header - Par word 1 - Par word 0 - Par word 3 - Par word 2 - etc...' /Deutsch 'Die Reihenfolge ist gedreht. CMD Header - Par Word 1 - Par Word 0 - Par Word 3 - Par Word 2 - etc...' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @200 [A 3211317 3211317 4 'not reversed' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Order is not reversed. CMD Header - Par word 0 - Par word 1 - Par word 2 - Par word 3 - etc...' /Deutsch 'Die Reihenfolge ist nicht gedreht. CMD Header - Par Word 0 - Par Word 1 - Par Word 2 - Par Word 3 - etc...' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @195 [A 8330 8330 2 'Diagnose Priority' 127 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Defines the behavior of the diagnostic telegram.' /Deutsch 'Definiert das Verhalten des Diagnosetelegramms.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 1 'SCALED' ] ] [R @200 [A 3211328 3211328 3 'none' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Only minimal diagnostic data is transmitted.' /Deutsch 'Es wirden nur minimale Diagnosedaten gesendet.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @200 [A 3211329 3211329 3 'low' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The diagnostic data is sent as status information only.' /Deutsch 'Die Diagnosedaten werden nur als Statusinformationen gesendet.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @200 [A 3211330 3211330 3 'high' 127 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'The diagnostic data is sent high priority in the error state.' /Deutsch 'Die Diagnosedaten werden hochpriorisiert im Fehlerzustand gesendet.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @164 [A 3211344 3211344 2 'Monitoring Channels' 85 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Defines the source variable by UPID of the four monitoring channels.' /Deutsch 'Dieses Verzeichnis enh„lt die Parameter zur Definition der Variablen (mittels UPID angesprochen), welche ber die vier Monitoring-Kan„le gesendet werden sollen.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @186 [A 8360 8360 3 'Channel 1 UPID' 127 'UPID' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Source for Monitoring Channel 1' /Deutsch 'Quelle (UPID) des Monitoring-Kanals 1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 8361 8361 3 'Channel 2 UPID' 127 'UPID' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Source for Monitoring Channel 2' /Deutsch 'Quelle (UPID) des Monitoring-Kanals 2' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 8362 8362 3 'Channel 3 UPID' 127 'UPID' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Source for Monitoring Channel 3' /Deutsch 'Quelle (UPID) des Monitoring-Kanals 3' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 8363 8363 3 'Channel 4 UPID' 127 'UPID' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Source for Monitoring Channel 4' /Deutsch 'Quelle (UPID) des Monitoring-Kanals 4' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @164 [A 3276832 3276832 2 'NC Configuration' 85 '' 0 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Configuration if NC direct NC data exchange' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @269 [A 8276 8276 3 'Position Scale' 127 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Integer factor to get LinMot scaling [0.1um].' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 0 4294967295 10000 ] ] [R @269 [A 8277 8277 3 'Velocity Scale' 127 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Integer factor to get LinMot scaling [1um/s].' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 0 4294967295 1000 ] ] [R @269 [A 8278 8278 3 'Acceleration Scale' 127 '' 13 'DN_Wizard' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Integer factor to get LinMot scaling [10um/s^2].' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 0 4294967295 100 ] ] ] /VariableArray [A [R @164 [A 3277312 3277312 1 'ProfiNet' 85 '' 4096 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Main directory for ProfiNet variables.' /Deutsch 'Hauptverzeichnis der ProfiNet Variablen.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @234 [A 8944 8944 2 'TPS 1 Stack FW Version' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS 1 Stack firmware version.' /Deutsch 'TPS 1 Stack Firmware Version.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 14 ] ] [R [D:Bool /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /SetVFlag @0 /DefValue @0 /DisplayMode @0 ] [A 8705 8705 2 '\ASIC Reset' 52 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English '\ASIC Reset' /Deutsch 'Wert der gesendeten Daten im Monitor Kanal 1' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R [D:EnumDir16 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /DefValue @0 /DisplayMode @0 ] [A 8848 8848 3 'Link Status' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Link status' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R [D:EnumChild16 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /SetVFlag @0 /ChildValue @0 ] [A 3277456 3277456 4 'Down' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Link status down' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3277457 3277457 4 'Active' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Link status active' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @492 [A 8864 8864 3 'Connection state' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Network connection state' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3277472 3277472 4 'No Link' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Link status down' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3277473 3277473 4 'Acquirung IP Address' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Acquiring IP address' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3277474 3277474 4 'Connected' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Connected' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3277475 3277475 4 'IP Addr already Owned' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Error IP address already owned' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3277476 3277476 4 'Link Lost' 20 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Link lost' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @234 [A 8928 8928 2 'Device Type' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Name Of Station for PLC identification' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 32 ] ] [R @234 [A 8784 8784 2 'Device Name' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Name Of Station for PLC identification' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 32 ] ] [R @234 [A 8720 8720 2 'Intf MAC ID' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Active Reatime Interface MAC ID address of the device.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 20 ] ] [R @234 [A 8880 8880 2 'Port 1 MAC ID' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Active Reatime Interface MAC ID address of the device.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 20 ] ] [R @234 [A 8896 8896 2 'Port 2 MAC ID' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Active Reatime Interface MAC ID address of the device.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 20 ] ] [R @234 [A 8736 8736 2 'IP Address' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Active Reatime Interface IP address of the device.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 16 ] ] [R @234 [A 8752 8752 2 'NetMask' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Active Reatime Interface Ethernet Net Mask' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 16 ] ] [R @234 [A 8768 8768 2 'Standart Gateway IP Address' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Active Reatime Interface IP address of the default gateway.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] '0' 'SCALED' 16 ] ] [R @269 [A 8836 8836 2 'IP Address 32 bit' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Only for task running monitoring' /Deutsch 'Task l„uft Indikator' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 8837 8837 2 'Sub Net Mask 32 bit' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Only for task running monitoring' /Deutsch 'Task l„uft Indikator' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 8838 8838 2 'Std GateWay 32 bit' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Only for task running monitoring' /Deutsch 'Task l„uft Indikator' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 8832 8832 2 'Cyclic Task Counter' 16 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Only for task running monitoring' /Deutsch 'Task l„uft Indikator' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 8833 8833 2 'Idle Task Counter' 16 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Only for task running monitoring' /Deutsch 'Task l„uft Indikator' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 8834 8834 2 'PCP Task Counter' 16 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Only for task running monitoring' /Deutsch 'Task l„uft Indikator' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @486 [A 8856 8856 2 'AR 0 Established' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'AR 0' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @186 [A 8835 8835 2 'Receive Data Counter' 85 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Receive data counter just as indication if data exchange is running.' /Deutsch 'Empfangs dataen Z„hler als Indikator ob Bus hochgefahren ist.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 8852 8852 2 'Receive IO Cycle Time' 85 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Actual value ProfiNet IO cycle Time.' /Deutsch 'Aktueller Wert der ProfiNet IO Zykluszeit.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 55 'SCALED' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 8853 8853 2 'Minimal IO Cycle Time' 127 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Minimal value of ProfiNet IO cycle Time.' /Deutsch 'Aktueller Wert der ProfiNet IO Zykluszeit.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 55 'SCALED' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 8854 8854 2 'Maximal IO Cycle Time' 127 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Maximal value of ProfiNet IO cycle Time.' /Deutsch 'Maximaler Wert der ProfiNet IO Zykluszeit.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 55 'SCALED' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @164 [A 3277568 3277568 2 'Slot Configration' 85 '' 4096 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Slot Configuration directory.' /Deutsch 'Verzeichnis der Steckplatzkonfiguration.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @492 [A 8976 8976 3 'Slot 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3280896 3280896 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280897 3280897 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280898 3280898 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280899 3280899 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280900 3280900 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280901 3280901 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280902 3280902 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280903 3280903 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280904 3280904 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280905 3280905 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280912 3280912 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280913 3280913 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280914 3280914 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280915 3280915 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280916 3280916 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280917 3280917 4 'NC Setpoints' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'NC Setpoint values for position, veloity and acceleration.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 15 ] ] [R @497 [A 3280918 3280918 4 'Default Mapping with Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Default Mapping with configuration module.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 16 ] ] [R @492 [A 8992 8992 3 'Slot 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3281152 3281152 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281153 3281153 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281154 3281154 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281155 3281155 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281156 3281156 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281157 3281157 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281158 3281158 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281159 3281159 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281160 3281160 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281161 3281161 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281168 3281168 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281169 3281169 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281170 3281170 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281171 3281171 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281172 3281172 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281173 3281173 4 'NC Setpoints' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'NC Setpoint values for position, veloity and acceleration.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 15 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281174 3281174 4 'Default Mapping with Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Default Mapping with configuration module.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 16 ] ] [R @492 [A 9008 9008 3 'Slot 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3281408 3281408 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281409 3281409 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281410 3281410 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281411 3281411 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281412 3281412 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281413 3281413 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281414 3281414 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281415 3281415 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281416 3281416 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281417 3281417 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281424 3281424 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281425 3281425 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281426 3281426 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281427 3281427 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281428 3281428 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9024 9024 3 'Slot 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3281664 3281664 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281665 3281665 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281666 3281666 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281667 3281667 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281668 3281668 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281669 3281669 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281670 3281670 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281671 3281671 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281672 3281672 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281673 3281673 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281680 3281680 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281681 3281681 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281682 3281682 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281683 3281683 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281684 3281684 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9040 9040 3 'Slot 5' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3281920 3281920 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281921 3281921 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281922 3281922 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281923 3281923 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281924 3281924 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281925 3281925 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281926 3281926 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281927 3281927 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281928 3281928 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281929 3281929 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281936 3281936 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281937 3281937 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281938 3281938 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281939 3281939 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3281940 3281940 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9056 9056 3 'Slot 6' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3282176 3282176 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282177 3282177 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282178 3282178 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282179 3282179 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282180 3282180 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282181 3282181 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282182 3282182 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282183 3282183 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282184 3282184 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282185 3282185 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282192 3282192 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282193 3282193 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282194 3282194 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282195 3282195 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282196 3282196 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9072 9072 3 'Slot 7' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3282432 3282432 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282433 3282433 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282434 3282434 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282435 3282435 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282436 3282436 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282437 3282437 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282438 3282438 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282439 3282439 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282440 3282440 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282441 3282441 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282448 3282448 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282449 3282449 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282450 3282450 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282451 3282451 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282452 3282452 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9088 9088 3 'Slot 8' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3282688 3282688 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282689 3282689 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282690 3282690 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282691 3282691 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282692 3282692 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282693 3282693 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282694 3282694 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282695 3282695 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282696 3282696 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282697 3282697 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282704 3282704 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282705 3282705 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282706 3282706 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282707 3282707 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3277710 3277710 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9104 9104 3 'Slot 9' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3282944 3282944 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282945 3282945 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282946 3282946 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282947 3282947 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282948 3282948 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282949 3282949 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282950 3282950 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282951 3282951 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282952 3282952 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282953 3282953 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282960 3282960 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282961 3282961 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282962 3282962 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282963 3282963 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3282964 3282964 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9120 9120 3 'Slot 10' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3283200 3283200 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283201 3283201 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283202 3283202 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283203 3283203 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283204 3283204 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283205 3283205 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283206 3283206 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283207 3283207 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283208 3283208 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283209 3283209 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283216 3283216 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283217 3283217 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283218 3283218 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283219 3283219 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283220 3283220 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9136 9136 3 'Slot 11' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3283456 3283456 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283457 3283457 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283458 3283458 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283459 3283459 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283460 3283460 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283461 3283461 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283462 3283462 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283463 3283463 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283464 3283464 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283465 3283465 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283472 3283472 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283473 3283473 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283474 3283474 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283475 3283475 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283476 3283476 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9152 9152 3 'Slot 12' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3283712 3283712 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283713 3283713 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283714 3283714 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283715 3283715 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283716 3283716 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283717 3283717 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283718 3283718 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283719 3283719 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283720 3283720 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283721 3283721 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283728 3283728 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283729 3283729 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283730 3283730 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283731 3283731 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283732 3283732 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9168 9168 3 'Slot 13' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3283968 3283968 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283969 3283969 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283970 3283970 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283971 3283971 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283972 3283972 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283973 3283973 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283974 3283974 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283975 3283975 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283976 3283976 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283977 3283977 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283984 3283984 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283985 3283985 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283986 3283986 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283987 3283987 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3283988 3283988 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9184 9184 3 'Slot 14' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3284224 3284224 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284225 3284225 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284226 3284226 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284227 3284227 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284228 3284228 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284229 3284229 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284230 3284230 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284231 3284231 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284232 3284232 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284233 3284233 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284240 3284240 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284241 3284241 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284242 3284242 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284243 3284243 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284244 3284244 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @492 [A 9200 9200 3 'Slot 15' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ID of pluged module' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @497 [A 3284480 3284480 4 'No Module' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'No module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284481 3284481 4 'Control/Status' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Contrl Status Modul pluged..' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 1 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284482 3284482 4 'Get StateVar' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get StateVar Module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 2 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284483 3284483 4 'MC Interface' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Motion Command Interface module pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 3 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284484 3284484 4 'Real Time Config' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time configuration modlue pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 4 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284485 3284485 4 'Get Actual Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Actual Position modlue pluged.' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 5 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284486 3284486 4 'Get Demand Position' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Demand Position module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 6 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284487 3284487 4 'Get WarnWord' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get WarnWord modlule pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 7 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284488 3284488 4 'Get ErrorCode' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get ErrorCode module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 8 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284489 3284489 4 'Get Current 32b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 32 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 9 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284496 3284496 4 'Monitoring Channel 1' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 1 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 10 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284497 3284497 4 'Monitoring Channel 2' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 2 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 11 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284498 3284498 4 'Monitoring Channel 3' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 3 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 12 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284499 3284499 4 'Monitoring Channel 4' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Monitoring channel 4 module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 13 ] ] [R @497 [A 3284500 3284500 4 'Get Current 16b' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Get Current 16 bit module pluged' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 14 ] ] [R @186 [A 8961 8961 2 'Master Input Copy Size' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Length of Name of Station' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 8962 8962 2 'Master Output Copy Size' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Length of Name of Station' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @164 [A 3277280 3277280 2 'RT Cfg Module' 85 '' 4096 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Real time cinfiguration module variables.' /Deutsch 'Echtzeit Konfigurationsmodul Variablen.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @186 [A 8672 8672 3 'RT Cfg In Ctrl Word' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'RT Config in Control Word.' /Deutsch 'Echtzeit Konfiguration Eingang Kontrol Wort.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 8673 8673 3 'RT Cfg In UPID/ID' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'RT Config in UPID/ID.' /Deutsch 'Echtzeit Konfiguration Eingang UPID/ID.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R [D:SInt32 /UPID @0 /DEVICE_UPID @0 /Level @0 /Caption @0 /Permission @0 /AdditionalFunction @0 /AddrUsage @0 /UseVFlag @0 /WizardUPIDList @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /UUID @0 /DisplayMode @0 /MinValue @0 /MaxValue @0 /DefValue @0 ] [A 8674 8674 3 'RT Cfg In Value' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'RT Config in value.' /Deutsch 'Echtzeit Konfiguration Eingang Wert.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 8680 8680 3 'RT Cfg Out Status Word' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'RT Config out Status Word.' /Deutsch 'Echtzeit Konfiguration Ausgang Status Wort.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 8681 8681 3 'RT Cfg Out UPID/ID' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'RT Config out UPID/ID.' /Deutsch 'Echtzeit Konfiguration Ausgang UPID/ID.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 8682 8682 3 'RT Cfg Out Value' 85 '' 4097 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'RT Config out value.' /Deutsch 'Echtzeit Konfiguration Ausgang Wert.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'SCALED' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @164 [A 3277440 3277440 2 'Slot Config' 20 '' 4096 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Main directory for DeviceNet variables.' /Deutsch 'Hauptverzeichnis der DeviceNet Variablen.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @269 [A 11776 11776 3 'Subslot_1_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11777 11777 3 'Subslot_1_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11778 11778 3 'Subslot_1_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11779 11779 3 'Subslot_1_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11780 11780 3 'Subslot_1_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11781 11781 3 'Subslot_1_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11782 11782 3 'Subslot_1_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11783 11783 3 'Subslot_1_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11792 11792 3 'Subslot_2_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 2_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11793 11793 3 'Subslot_2_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 2_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11794 11794 3 'Subslot_2_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 2_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11795 11795 3 'Subslot_2_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 2_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11796 11796 3 'Subslot_2_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 2_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11797 11797 3 'Subslot_2_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 2_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11798 11798 3 'Subslot_2_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 2_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11799 11799 3 'Subslot_2_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 2_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11808 11808 3 'Subslot_3_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11809 11809 3 'Subslot_3_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11810 11810 3 'Subslot_3_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11811 11811 3 'Subslot_3_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11812 11812 3 'Subslot_3_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11813 11813 3 'Subslot_3_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11814 11814 3 'Subslot_3_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11815 11815 3 'Subslot_3_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11824 11824 3 'Subslot_4_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11825 11825 3 'Subslot_4_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11826 11826 3 'Subslot_4_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11827 11827 3 'Subslot_4_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11828 11828 3 'Subslot_4_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11829 11829 3 'Subslot_4_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11830 11830 3 'Subslot_4_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11831 11831 3 'Subslot_4_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11840 11840 3 'Subslot_5_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11841 11841 3 'Subslot_5_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11842 11842 3 'Subslot_5_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11843 11843 3 'Subslot_5_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11844 11844 3 'Subslot_5_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11845 11845 3 'Subslot_5_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11846 11846 3 'Subslot_5_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11847 11847 3 'Subslot_5_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11856 11856 3 'Subslot_6_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11857 11857 3 'Subslot_6_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11858 11858 3 'Subslot_6_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11859 11859 3 'Subslot_6_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11860 11860 3 'Subslot_6_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11861 11861 3 'Subslot_6_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11862 11862 3 'Subslot_6_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11863 11863 3 'Subslot_6_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11872 11872 3 'Subslot_7_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11873 11873 3 'Subslot_7_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11874 11874 3 'Subslot_7_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11875 11875 3 'Subslot_7_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11876 11876 3 'Subslot_7_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11877 11877 3 'Subslot_7_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11878 11878 3 'Subslot_7_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11879 11879 3 'Subslot_7_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11888 11888 3 'Subslot_8_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11889 11889 3 'Subslot_8_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11890 11890 3 'Subslot_8_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11891 11891 3 'Subslot_8_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11892 11892 3 'Subslot_8_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11893 11893 3 'Subslot_8_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11894 11894 3 'Subslot_8_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11895 11895 3 'Subslot_8_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11904 11904 3 'Subslot_9_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11905 11905 3 'Subslot_9_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11906 11906 3 'Subslot_9_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11907 11907 3 'Subslot_9_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11908 11908 3 'Subslot_9_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11909 11909 3 'Subslot_9_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11910 11910 3 'Subslot_9_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11911 11911 3 'Subslot_9_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11920 11920 3 'Subslot_10_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11921 11921 3 'Subslot_10_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11922 11922 3 'Subslot_10_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11923 11923 3 'Subslot_10_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11924 11924 3 'Subslot_10_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11925 11925 3 'Subslot_10_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11926 11926 3 'Subslot_10_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11927 11927 3 'Subslot_10_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11936 11936 3 'Subslot_11_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11937 11937 3 'Subslot_11_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11938 11938 3 'Subslot_11_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11939 11939 3 'Subslot_11_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11940 11940 3 'Subslot_11_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11941 11941 3 'Subslot_11_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11942 11942 3 'Subslot_11_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11943 11943 3 'Subslot_11_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11952 11952 3 'Subslot_12_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11953 11953 3 'Subslot_12_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11954 11954 3 'Subslot_12_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11955 11955 3 'Subslot_12_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11956 11956 3 'Subslot_12_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11957 11957 3 'Subslot_12_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11958 11958 3 'Subslot_12_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11959 11959 3 'Subslot_12_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11968 11968 3 'Subslot_13_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11969 11969 3 'Subslot_13_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11970 11970 3 'Subslot_13_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11971 11971 3 'Subslot_13_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11972 11972 3 'Subslot_13_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11973 11973 3 'Subslot_13_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11974 11974 3 'Subslot_13_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11975 11975 3 'Subslot_13_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11984 11984 3 'Subslot_14_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11985 11985 3 'Subslot_14_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11986 11986 3 'Subslot_14_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11987 11987 3 'Subslot_14_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11988 11988 3 'Subslot_14_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11989 11989 3 'Subslot_14_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11990 11990 3 'Subslot_14_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11991 11991 3 'Subslot_14_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 12000 12000 3 'Subslot_15_1 Module ID' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 12001 12001 3 'Subslot_15_1 IO Config' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 12002 12002 3 'Subslot_15_1 Input Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 12003 12003 3 'Subslot_15_1 Output Size' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 12004 12004 3 'Subslot_15_1 Input Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 12005 12005 3 'Subslot_15_1 Output Addr Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 12006 12006 3 'Subslot_15_1 Intput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 12007 12007 3 'Subslot_15_1 Outtput Data Off' 60 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Config of Subslot 1_1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @164 [A 3280128 3280128 2 'Debug' 16 '' 4096 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @486 [A 11616 11616 3 'AR 0 Established' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'AR 0' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @486 [A 11617 11617 3 'AR 1 Established' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'AR 1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @486 [A 11618 11618 3 'AR 2 Established' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'AR 2' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @186 [A 11619 11619 3 'API State' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'API state' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11620 11620 3 'Saved Error API State' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'API state' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11621 11621 3 'API First Error Code' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ApI Last Error Code' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11622 11622 3 'API Last Error Code' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'ApI Last Error Code' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @486 [A 11536 11536 3 'TPS Int' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'P7.1 IN' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @486 [A 11537 11537 3 'TPS IRT T1' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'P7.0 IN' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @486 [A 11538 11538 3 'TPS IRT T2' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'P3.13 IN' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @486 [A 11539 11539 3 'TPS WDT OUT' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'P4.7 IN' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @486 [A 11540 11540 3 'TPS WDT IN' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'P3.14 OUT' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @486 [A 11541 11541 3 'TPS Flash Modified' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Flash Modified' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] [A ] 0 'SCALED' ] ] [R @186 [A 11549 11549 3 'Vendor ID' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Vendor ID' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11550 11550 3 'Device ID' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Device ID' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11664 11664 3 'Update Input Timeout Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Update Input Timeout Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11665 11665 3 'Update Output Timeout Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Update Output Timeout Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11666 11666 3 'Update Input Timeouts' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Update Input Timeouts' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11667 11667 3 'Update Output Timeouts' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Update Output Timeouts' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11680 11680 3 'Incarnation ID' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Incarnation ID' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11681 11681 3 'TPS FLASH Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS FLASH Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11682 11682 3 'TPS FLASH Read Error Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS FLASH Read Error Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11683 11683 3 'CRC Chksum Rem' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'CRC Chksum Rem' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11684 11684 3 'CRC Chksum Calc' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'CRC Chksum Calc' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11685 11685 3 'TPS Event Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Event Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 65535 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11686 11686 3 'TPS Previous Event' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Previous Event' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11687 11687 3 'TPS Last Event' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Last Event' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11648 11648 3 'TPS Cfg Addr 1' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Cfg Addr 1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11649 11649 3 'TPS Cfg Addr 2' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Cfg Addr 2' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11650 11650 3 'TPS Cfg Addr 3' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Cfg Addr 3' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11651 11651 3 'TPS Cfg Addr 4' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Cfg Addr 4' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11652 11652 3 'TPS Cfg Addr 5' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Cfg Addr 5' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @269 [A 11653 11653 3 'TPS Cfg Addr 6' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'TPS Cfg Addr 6' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'HEX' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11584 11584 3 'Debug 1' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11585 11585 3 'Debug 2' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 2' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11586 11586 3 'Debug 3' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 3' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11587 11587 3 'Debug 4' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 4' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11588 11588 3 'Debug 5' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 5' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11589 11589 3 'Debug 6' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 6' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11590 11590 3 'Debug 7' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 7' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11591 11591 3 'Debug 8' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 8' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11592 11592 3 'Debug 9' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 9' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11593 11593 3 'Debug 10' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 10' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11594 11594 3 'Debug 11' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 11' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11595 11595 3 'Debug 12' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 12' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11596 11596 3 'Debug 13' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 13' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11597 11597 3 'Debug 14' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 14' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11598 11598 3 'Debug 15' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 15' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11599 11599 3 'Debug 16' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Debug 16' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 2147483648 2147483647 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11600 11600 3 'PCP Debug 1' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 1' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11601 11601 3 'PCP Debug 2' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 2' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11602 11602 3 'PCP Debug 3' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 3' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11603 11603 3 'PCP Debug 4' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 4' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11604 11604 3 'PCP Debug 5' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 5' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11605 11605 3 'PCP Debug 6' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 6' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11606 11606 3 'PCP Debug 7' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 7' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11607 11607 3 'PCP Debug 8' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 8' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11608 11608 3 'PCP Debug 9' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 9' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @1843 [A 11609 11609 3 'PCP Debug 10' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PCP Debug 10' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @164 [A 3280384 3280384 2 'PD Debug' 16 '' 4096 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'PD Debug' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] ] ] [R @269 [A 11712 11712 3 'Mem Allocation Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Mem Allocation Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11713 11713 3 'Error Handler Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Error Handler Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11714 11714 3 'Last Malloc ID' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Last Malloc ID' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11735 11735 3 'Last Out Of Memory ID' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Last Out Of Memory ID' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11715 11715 3 'Last Malloc Free ID' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Last Malloc Free ID' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11716 11716 3 'Station Mailbox Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Station Mailbox Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11717 11717 3 'Application Node Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Application Node Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11718 11718 3 'Application Object Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Application Object Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11719 11719 3 'Application List Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Application List Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11720 11720 3 'Reg Param Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Reg Param Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11721 11721 3 'Plug Module Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Plug Module Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11722 11722 3 'Plug Submodule Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Plug Submodule Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11723 11723 3 'Slot Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Slot Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11724 11724 3 'SubSlot Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'SubSlot Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11725 11725 3 'IO Data Onject Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'IO Data Onject Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11726 11726 3 'IO input Data Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'IO input Data Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11727 11727 3 'IO Output Data Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'IO Output Data Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11728 11728 3 'Message Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Message Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11729 11729 3 'Axis Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Axis Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11730 11730 3 'Fault Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Fault Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11731 11731 3 'Axis Ctrl Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Axis Ctrl Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11732 11732 3 'Device Profile Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Device Profile Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @305 [A 11733 11733 3 'En Queue Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'En Queue Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] [R @186 [A 11734 11734 3 'Msg Data Counter' 48 '' 4099 '' [A ] 0 [D /English 'Msg Data Counter' /Deutsch '' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] 0 'DEC' 0 4294967295 0 ] ] ] /VisibilityFlags [A [R [D:ViewFlagCont /Name @0 /Type @0 /Equation @0 ] [A 'DN_Main' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @2694 [A 'DN_Wizard' 'CALC' [A 'DN_Main' 'DN_Main' '!' '#' ] ] ] [R @2694 [A 'DN_on' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @2694 [A 'DN_BR_Para' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @2694 [A 'DN_BR_BTR' 'BASE' @0 ] ] [R @2694 [A 'DN_MACID_Para' 'BASE' @0 ] ] ] /MessageSources [A [D /Caption 'ProfiNet SW Error' /Name 'INTF_ERROR_GROUP_1' /SourceID 4115 /Type 'SOURCE' /MsgArr [A [D /MSGType 13 /EnumChildArray [A [R [D:ChildTypeListCont /Caption @0 /Classification @0 /Value @0 /HelpIndex @0 /HelpTextDict @0 /Fatal @0 /ErrorBehavior @0 ] [A 'Err: Wrong TPS FW' 'Error' 208 0 [D /English 'TPS Firmware not started.' /Deutsch 'TPS Firmware wurde nicht gestartet.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] #1 @0 ] ] [R @2713 [A 'Err: Realtime IO Time Out' 'Error' 209 0 [D /English 'Real time IO data exchange had timeout.' /Deutsch 'Echtzeit IO Datenaustausch ist in Timeout geraten.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] #0 @0 ] ] [R @2713 [A 'Err: TPS too less RAM' 'Error' 210 0 [D /English 'TPS has too less RAM for IO config.' /Deutsch 'Der TPS hat zu wenig RAM fr IO Konfiguration..' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] #0 @0 ] ] [R @2713 [A 'Err: IO In Size fault' 'Error' 211 0 [D /English 'IO configuration input size wrong, wrong IO configuration in the PLC' /Deutsch 'IO Eingangsgr”sse falsch, fehlerhafte IO configuration in der SPS.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] #0 @0 ] ] [R @2713 [A 'Err: IO Out size fault' 'Error' 212 0 [D /English 'IO configuration output size wrong, wrong IO configuration in the PLC' /Deutsch 'IO Ausgangsgr”sse falsch, fehlerhafte IO configuration in der SPS.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] #0 @0 ] ] [R @2713 [A 'Err: TPS Cfg Error' 'Error' 213 0 [D /English 'Error occured during TPS setup, contact support.' /Deutsch 'Fehler bei der Konfiguration des TPS, kontaktieren Sie den Support.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] #0 @0 ] ] [R @2713 [A 'Err: Out Of Memory' 'Error' 217 0 [D /English 'Error occured during runtime too much memory is needed, contact support.' /Deutsch 'Fehler beim Betrieb, es wird zuviel Speicher ben”tigt, kontaktieren Sie den Support.' /Francais '' /Italiano '' ] #0 @0 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]