$ EZ-EDS Version 3.9 Generated Electronic Data Sheet

        DescText = "EthernetIP EDS file for LinMot Linear Servo Drive C1450IPVS1S";
        CreateDate = 11-22-2017;
        CreateTime = 11:54:01;
        ModDate = 11-22-2017;
        ModTime = 11:54:03;
        Revision = 1.0;
        HomeURL = "http://www.linmot.com/";
        1_IOC_Details_License = 0x0A3BFB86;

        VendCode = 589;
        VendName = "LinMot";
        ProdType = 43;
        ProdTypeStr = "Generic Device";
        ProdCode = 2666;
        MajRev = 1;
        MinRev = 1;
        ProdName = "C1450IPVS1S";
        Catalog = "LMDrive";
        Icon = "E1250_SC_xx.ico";
        IconContents =

[Device Classification]
        Class1 = EtherNetIP;

        Param1 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_ControlWord",     $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncontrol Software Control Word",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param2 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandHeader",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncontrol Software Motion Command Header",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param3 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_00_01",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "MotionCommand Parameter1 LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param4 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_02_03",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motion Command Parameter 1 HighWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param5 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_04_05",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motion Command Parameter 2 LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param6 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_06_07",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motion Command Parameter 2 HighWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param7 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_08_09",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motion Command Parameter 3 LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param8 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_StateVar",        $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Bit Coded State Variable",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param9 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_StatusWord",      $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Bit coded Status Word",$ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param10 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_WarnWord",        $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Bit Coded Warn Word",  $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param11 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_DemandPosition_LowWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncommand Sofware Demandposition LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param12 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_ActualPosition_LowWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncommand Software Actualposition LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param13 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW DemandCurrent_LowWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncommand Software Demand Current LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param14 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "TX_Cfg_Module_Control",$ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Transfered Config Module Control",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param15 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "TX_Cfg_Module_Index",  $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Transfered Config Module UPID",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param16 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "TX_Cfg_Module_Value_LowWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Transfered Config Module Value LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param17 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "RX_Cfg_Module_Status", $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Received Config Module Status",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param18 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "RX_Cfg_Module_Index",  $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Received Config Module UPID",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param19 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "RX_Cfg_Module_Value LowWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Received Config Module Value LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param20 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_10_11",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncommand Parameter 3 HightWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param21 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_12_13",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motion Command Parameter 4 LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param22 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_14_15",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motion Command Parameter 4 HightWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param23 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_16_17",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motion Command Parameter 5 LowWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param24 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_MotionCommandByte_18_19",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motion Command Parameter 5 HightWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param25 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_DemandPosition_HighWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncommand Sofware Demandposition HighWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param26 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW_ActualPosition_HighWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncommand Software Actualposition HighWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param27 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "TX_Cfg_Module_Value_HighWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Transfered Config Module Value HighWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param28 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "RX_Cfg_Module_Value HighWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Received Config Module Value HighWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places
        Param29 =
                0,                      $ reserved, shall equal 0
                ,,                      $ Link Path Size, Link Path
                0x0000,                 $ Descriptor
                0xC3,                   $ Data Type
                2,                      $ Data Size in bytes
                "MCSW DemandCurrent_HighWord",    $ name
                "",                     $ units
                "Motioncommand Software Demand Current HighWord",    $ help string
                ,,0,                    $ min, max, default data values
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset scaling
                ,,,,                    $ mult, div, base, offset links
                ;                       $ decimal places

        Assem8 =
                "Output Assembly",
        Assem16 =
                "Input Assembly",
        Assem24 =
                "Input Assembly",
        Assem32 =
                "Output Assembly",
        Assem39 =
                "Output Assembly",
        Assem40 =
                "Output Assembly",

[Connection Manager]
        Connection1 =
                0x04010002,             $ 0-15    = supported transport classes
                                        $ 16      = trigger: cyclic
                                        $ 17      = trigger: change of state
                                        $ 18      = trigger: application
                                        $ 19-23   = trigger: reserved
                                        $ 24      = application type: listen-only
                                        $ 25      = application type: input-only
                                        $ 26      = application type: exclusive-owner
                                        $ 27      = application type: redundant-owner
                                        $ 28-30   = reserved
                                        $ 31      = Direction: Client = 0 / Server = 1
                0x22660405,             $ 0       = O->T fixed size supported
                                        $ 1       = O->T variable size supported
                                        $ 2       = T->O fixed size supported
                                        $ 3       = T->O variable size supported
                                        $ 4-5     = O->T number of bytes per slot (obsolete)
                                        $ 6-7     = T->O number of bytes per slot (obsolete)
                                        $ 8-10    = O->T Real time transfer format
                                        $ 11      = reserved
                                        $ 12-14   = T->O Real time transfer format
                                        $ 15      = reserved
                                        $ 16      = O->T connection type: NULL
                                        $ 17      = O->T connection type: MULTICAST
                                        $ 18      = O->T connection type: POINT2POINT
                                        $ 19      = O->T connection type: reserved
                                        $ 20      = T->O connection type: NULL
                                        $ 21      = T->O connection type: MULTICAST
                                        $ 22      = T->O connection type: POINT2POINT
                                        $ 23      = T->O connection type: reserved
                                        $ 24      = O->T priority: LOW
                                        $ 25      = O->T priority: HIGH
                                        $ 26      = O->T priority: SCHEDULED
                                        $ 27      = O->T priority: reserved
                                        $ 28      = T->O priority: LOW
                                        $ 29      = T->O priority: HIGH
                                        $ 30      = T->O priority: SCHEDULED
                                        $ 31      = T->O priority: reserved
                ,,Assem40,              $ O->T RPI, size, format
                ,,Assem24,              $ T->O RPI, size, format
                ,,                      $ proxy config size, format
                ,,                      $ target config size, format
                "As_0x28_0x18",         $ Connection Name
                "Connection with Assemblies 0x28 and 0x18",    $ help string
                "20 04 24 01 2C 28 2C 18";    $ Path
        Connection2 =
                0x04010002,             $ 0-15    = supported transport classes
                                        $ 16      = trigger: cyclic
                                        $ 17      = trigger: change of state
                                        $ 18      = trigger: application
                                        $ 19-23   = trigger: reserved
                                        $ 24      = application type: listen-only
                                        $ 25      = application type: input-only
                                        $ 26      = application type: exclusive-owner
                                        $ 27      = application type: redundant-owner
                                        $ 28-30   = reserved
                                        $ 31      = Direction: Client = 0 / Server = 1
                0x22660405,             $ 0       = O->T fixed size supported
                                        $ 1       = O->T variable size supported
                                        $ 2       = T->O fixed size supported
                                        $ 3       = T->O variable size supported
                                        $ 4-5     = O->T number of bytes per slot (obsolete)
                                        $ 6-7     = T->O number of bytes per slot (obsolete)
                                        $ 8-10    = O->T Real time transfer format
                                        $ 11      = reserved
                                        $ 12-14   = T->O Real time transfer format
                                        $ 15      = reserved
                                        $ 16      = O->T connection type: NULL
                                        $ 17      = O->T connection type: MULTICAST
                                        $ 18      = O->T connection type: POINT2POINT
                                        $ 19      = O->T connection type: reserved
                                        $ 20      = T->O connection type: NULL
                                        $ 21      = T->O connection type: MULTICAST
                                        $ 22      = T->O connection type: POINT2POINT
                                        $ 23      = T->O connection type: reserved
                                        $ 24      = O->T priority: LOW
                                        $ 25      = O->T priority: HIGH
                                        $ 26      = O->T priority: SCHEDULED
                                        $ 27      = O->T priority: reserved
                                        $ 28      = T->O priority: LOW
                                        $ 29      = T->O priority: HIGH
                                        $ 30      = T->O priority: SCHEDULED
                                        $ 31      = T->O priority: reserved
                ,,Assem32,              $ O->T RPI, size, format
                ,,Assem16,              $ T->O RPI, size, format
                ,,                      $ proxy config size, format
                ,,                      $ target config size, format
                "As_0x20_0x10",         $ Connection Name
                "Connection with Assemblies 0x20 and 0x10",    $ help string
                "20 04 24 01 2C 20 2C 10";    $ Path
        Connection3 =
                0x04010002,             $ 0-15    = supported transport classes
                                        $ 16      = trigger: cyclic
                                        $ 17      = trigger: change of state
                                        $ 18      = trigger: application
                                        $ 19-23   = trigger: reserved
                                        $ 24      = application type: listen-only
                                        $ 25      = application type: input-only
                                        $ 26      = application type: exclusive-owner
                                        $ 27      = application type: redundant-owner
                                        $ 28-30   = reserved
                                        $ 31      = Direction: Client = 0 / Server = 1
                0x22660405,             $ 0       = O->T fixed size supported
                                        $ 1       = O->T variable size supported
                                        $ 2       = T->O fixed size supported
                                        $ 3       = T->O variable size supported
                                        $ 4-5     = O->T number of bytes per slot (obsolete)
                                        $ 6-7     = T->O number of bytes per slot (obsolete)
                                        $ 8-10    = O->T Real time transfer format
                                        $ 11      = reserved
                                        $ 12-14   = T->O Real time transfer format
                                        $ 15      = reserved
                                        $ 16      = O->T connection type: NULL
                                        $ 17      = O->T connection type: MULTICAST
                                        $ 18      = O->T connection type: POINT2POINT
                                        $ 19      = O->T connection type: reserved
                                        $ 20      = T->O connection type: NULL
                                        $ 21      = T->O connection type: MULTICAST
                                        $ 22      = T->O connection type: POINT2POINT
                                        $ 23      = T->O connection type: reserved
                                        $ 24      = O->T priority: LOW
                                        $ 25      = O->T priority: HIGH
                                        $ 26      = O->T priority: SCHEDULED
                                        $ 27      = O->T priority: reserved
                                        $ 28      = T->O priority: LOW
                                        $ 29      = T->O priority: HIGH
                                        $ 30      = T->O priority: SCHEDULED
                                        $ 31      = T->O priority: reserved
                ,,Assem8,               $ O->T RPI, size, format
                ,,Assem24,              $ T->O RPI, size, format
                ,,                      $ proxy config size, format
                ,,                      $ target config size, format
                "As_0x08_0x18",         $ Connection Name
                "",                     $ help string
                "20 04 24 01 2C 08 2C 18";    $ Path
        Connection4 =
                0x04010002,             $ 0-15    = supported transport classes
                                        $ 16      = trigger: cyclic
                                        $ 17      = trigger: change of state
                                        $ 18      = trigger: application
                                        $ 19-23   = trigger: reserved
                                        $ 24      = application type: listen-only
                                        $ 25      = application type: input-only
                                        $ 26      = application type: exclusive-owner
                                        $ 27      = application type: redundant-owner
                                        $ 28-30   = reserved
                                        $ 31      = Direction: Client = 0 / Server = 1
                0x22660405,             $ 0       = O->T fixed size supported
                                        $ 1       = O->T variable size supported
                                        $ 2       = T->O fixed size supported
                                        $ 3       = T->O variable size supported
                                        $ 4-5     = O->T number of bytes per slot (obsolete)
                                        $ 6-7     = T->O number of bytes per slot (obsolete)
                                        $ 8-10    = O->T Real time transfer format
                                        $ 11      = reserved
                                        $ 12-14   = T->O Real time transfer format
                                        $ 15      = reserved
                                        $ 16      = O->T connection type: NULL
                                        $ 17      = O->T connection type: MULTICAST
                                        $ 18      = O->T connection type: POINT2POINT
                                        $ 19      = O->T connection type: reserved
                                        $ 20      = T->O connection type: NULL
                                        $ 21      = T->O connection type: MULTICAST
                                        $ 22      = T->O connection type: POINT2POINT
                                        $ 23      = T->O connection type: reserved
                                        $ 24      = O->T priority: LOW
                                        $ 25      = O->T priority: HIGH
                                        $ 26      = O->T priority: SCHEDULED
                                        $ 27      = O->T priority: reserved
                                        $ 28      = T->O priority: LOW
                                        $ 29      = T->O priority: HIGH
                                        $ 30      = T->O priority: SCHEDULED
                                        $ 31      = T->O priority: reserved
                ,,Assem39,              $ O->T RPI, size, format
                ,,Assem24,              $ T->O RPI, size, format
                ,,                      $ proxy config size, format
                ,,                      $ target config size, format
                "As_0x27_0x18",         $ Connection Name
                "Connection with Assemblies 0x27 and 0x18",    $ help string
                "20 04 24 01 2C 27 2C 18";    $ Path

        Port1 =
                "20 F5 24 01",